Transferring sequential courses?

<p>I'm taking Macroeconomics during summer at a community college. So, does that mean I also have to take Microeconomics at the same cc, or can I take Mircro at my home university during fall?</p>

<p>The only situation in which that could possibly be a problem is if</p>

<p>(a) macro is a prerequisite for micro; AND
(b) your home university doesn't accept the community college course.</p>

<p>I'm assuming that (b) is not the case. If you're going to a public university in the same state, you may be guaranteed credit for courses you take at the community college, and even if you aren't, I'm sure you checked with the registrar to make sure you can get credit before you signed up for the course.</p>

<p>Once your home university gives you credit for a course, it no longer matters (in terms of prerequisites and requirements) where you took it.</p>

<p>My university will accept either Macor & Micro from cc, and no Macro isn't a pre-quisite to Micro. However, are there concepts learned in Macro that are applied in Micro or are they completely different?</p>