Transferring to 4 year college from technical school

<p>Does anyone know if you can get into a decent college if you're transferring from a technical school? Does it depend on how many credit hours you have? Do they take GPA into consideration? I asked my advisor and she had no idea. She just told me to contact the school I want to get into... can anyone help me out thnx....</p>

<p>Is there a transfer counselor at your school? If there is, that person should be able to give you some help with the transfer process.</p>

<p>If not, you need to contact each of the colleges that you are interested in and ask what they will need you to do to apply for a transfer.</p>

<p>You may want to take this question to the Transfer forum. You can find it by clicking on "Discussion Home" in the upper left of this screen, and then scrolling down in the new window.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>You may want to also check the accreditation of the technical school and see if the courses you take there will transfer to the 4 year. Some tech schools are only nationally accredited and many 4 year colleges do not recognize the courses...which would mean you wouldn't be a transfer student but a freshman with zero credits.</p>

<p>I know this reply is late but thnx a lot guys</p>