Transferring to a CSU from CCC (AA-T)

<p>Okay so honestly I want to go to a UC, I'm applying to 5 UC's and most likely I will get into UCSB, but I'm applying to 5 CSU's too just as safety schools.</p>

<p>I did not and will not complete a speech class because I have a full courseload and I really plan to go to a UC.</p>

<p>That being said I am getting two Degrees from my CCC: An AA in General Studies Sociology, and an AA-for Transfer (which guarantees CSU admission) I have spoken with the Registrar and a counselor and they told me that I can get the AA-T in Sociology with no speech class.</p>

<p>You might wonder why get an AA-T if you don't want to go to a CSU?</p>

<p>Because I want two AA Degrees for personal reasons and since the AA-T came out my CCC no longer offers just a normal AA in Sociology so this is why I'm getting the AA-T.</p>

<p>Now the Question: Will I automatically get rejected for having no speech class? Will the AA-T still guarantee me admission, what will happen most likely?</p>

<p>I didn’t take speech and I only got accepted into the UCs. Accepting admission to a UC was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made and would’ve preferred a CSU over the monotonous, sterile and colorless setting that are UCs.</p>

<p>“I did not and will not complete a speech class because I have a full courseload and I really plan to go to a UC.”</p>

<p>Big mistake. You can kiss your “safety” schools goodbye and your AA-T/AS won’t help since I transferred out without get one even though I was eligible. Assuming your major isn’t impacted, you have a good/great personal statement, major requirement classes and the GPA then you should have no problem. You don’t want to be stuck where you’re safeties are automatically thrown out the door and your UC of choice says no.</p>

<p>About the AA-T: “For the first time in California history, community college students who complete an associate degree designated for transfer are guaranteed admission to the California State University system with junior status and will be given priority consideration when applying to their local California State University campus and to a particular program that is similar to the student’s community college major.”</p>

<p>My interpretation of that is that if I apply to CSU’s, even if I don’t have the speech class I am guaranteed admission to at least one CSU campus, is this incorrect??? </p>

<p>Also let me guess you go to Merced, Riverside, or Irvine?</p>

<p>I’m going to UCSB I have plenty of friends there and they love it.</p>

<p>My 3.2 GPA (by end of the fall 2013 semester) isn’t very competitive for admissions purposes but I just want clarification that I am guaranteed admission somewhere because it’s the law and I took extra classes to get the degree.</p>

<p>When applying to UCSB I have completed all pre-major requirements and if admitted would be granted full major status.</p>

<p>But it’s still nice to know ahead of time what’s going on</p>

<p>I think you’ll get into UCSB. I want to say avg transfer GPA to a UC is 3.2-3.4. It’s higher then that for competitive schools like UCLA and UCB. If you really want the CSU safety net look into winter intersession and try to take it there.</p>

<p>Well I’m hoping I can get and maintain a 3.2 by the end of this semester to fulfill the TAG but at this point it could go either way.</p>

<p>But so the AA-T won’t guarantee me admission at a CSU???</p>

<p>I’m guessing that assumes you have the golden 4 done. You cannot transfer to a CSU if they aren’t. Speech is one of them. This is from personal experience and learning the hard way. Everyone I knew made sure to get them done and they all got in. I didn’t take it cause I was too “busy”. It wasn’t until I got a reality check that was getting denied into SJ/SDSU. Even the ones that was I “overqualified” for. If you really want those safeties, it has to get done.</p>

<p>My location says UCI but I got into UCSB (and Davis and others) as well. I didn’t go cause their financial aid offer sucked.</p>

<p>But whether it assumes it or not once my CCC signs the paper and hands me my associates degree for transfer CA law states that the CSU system must guarantee me admission, yes they might assume that because I have an AAT that I took the class, but I mean the law says what it says and there’s no way that they can not guarantee my admission to at least one campus without breaking the law and having a potential lawsuit on their hands.</p>

<p>It may be a loophole and it may work to my advantage but is there a provision in the law (not just CSU policy) stating that the “golden 4” must also be met?</p>

<p>Matt4200, I would listen a bit more to claxon. As little of influence as we on this site have towards your decisions, you did come onto these forums expecting opinions/answers… I’ve been a victim of the “you’re overqualified!” statement only to realize later my counselor (2-3 of them) and my CC’s records office completely screwed me over. I’m sure your situation is different and you will probably get into UCs, but when it comes to college, you can never be completely sure (I’ve just learned how horrendous UC transfer/admissions is. I would say try to complete the Golden 4 (it is MANDATORY to get into CSUs). I just don’t want you to make the same mistake as me and bank everything on getting into UCs… Best wishes and good luck</p>

<p>P.S. Don’t even think of loopholes, they generally do not work since all colleges alike are too elitist to casually accept you when, on your record, it says things like “incomplete _____ course”. Trust.</p>