Transferring to Geneseo

<p>Hi, I am seriously considering transferring to Geneseo, it's a beautiful campus and is a great school, but I was wondering about Greek life. I don't really have interest in being a part of any Greek life, but I was worried that you had to be in order to be involved and have a social life. Is this true? </p>

<p>I just transferred to Geneseo for this spring semester. So far I have not had a ton of contact with greek life. I know it is there If I was interested, I know many students here are involved with greek life, but it far from dominant on campus.
Transferring here has been great for me so far, If you have any other questions please feel free to post.</p>

<p>Thanks! Yeah I don’t know if I am really interested in Greek life.I am just nervous about making friends and being involved. Do you do a lot on the weekends? Is there stuff to do on campus and in the town? Because I have heard the town is really nice, but that Geneseo overall is isolated. </p>

<p>I was also wondering how the dorms were for transfers. I heard that they were different from other students and were really nice, but I have not seen them for myself. </p>

<p>Do you like your classes and professors so far? Are the majority of the classes large or are they on a smaller scale? (I understand that that depends on if it is a Gen Ed or a class for your major). </p>

<p>Sorry for all the questions! And I’m happy to hear you like it so far! I am pretty nervous for the change so I have so many questions hahaha. </p>

<p>The weekends here are what you make of them. Main Street has 3 or 4 bars, including one that is 18+ after a certain time (obviously they don’t sell alcohol to minors though). Geneseo so far has put on something at least one night each weekend I have been here, it ranges from a comedian on campus to horse drawn carriage rides and hot chocolate. The hockey games seem like a pretty good time here also, well attended. A lot of times there are also dorm specific events.
I have met people who have said they were going to a frat house for a party, though I’m not sure if they are open parties or not. </p>

<p>Dorm wise it varies. Transfers seem to be all over the place. Southside of campus is a little older and all double rooms. I have met other transfers placed in Monroe (center of campus) which is also doubles but much more spacious and is a newer building. There are also sweets available. I think the spring may be a little different because they place transfers wherever a room opens up; in the fall they may have more dedicated transfer block housing. If you do decide to transfer here, be specific about what kind of housing you want. Let them know if you prefer to room with other transfers or students who have been around already. They are pretty accommodating.</p>

<p>I have a couple smaller classes in my major (20 or so students) and a couple lecture classes that are gen ed requirements. The biggest lecture hall I have seen holds no more then 200 so they are not insanely large. For the most part those are only intro classes though. The workload here, so far, is manageable. It is more than I am used to but by no means overwhelming. </p>

<p>It is a big change, I was nervous too, but Geneseo has been a pretty smooth transition because they put so much emphasis on easing the transition for new students. After orientation they have transfer meetups so you see some familiar faces and have a chance to discuss your experience so far with other new students.
Best of Luck</p>

<p>Thank you so much! You have been really helpful. I hope your experience there continues to be a good one!</p>