<p>Right now I am attending A&M's biz school, but I want 2 transfer over 2 UT's biz school for next year (2010- 2011). I already have 20 hours and am going 2 get at least 30 more hours this year. Is it really hard 2 external transfer 2 McCombs?</p>
<p>As long as your GPA is ~3.9 your set.</p>
<p>oh ok. would all my credits from A&M transfer over? I mean both colleges should have similar courses right?</p>
<p>You need to have completed your Calc and Econ classes to apply. I know some that had 3.6’s and got in. You need a 3.5 for strong consideration.</p>
<p>really? only a 3.5? I heard u have 2 be like 3.8ish</p>
<p>3.8 to get in, 3.5 to be considered.</p>
<p>What about the fact that once your in college, you will have other opportunities to reach ur goal?</p>
<p>in other words, does transfering to ut bhp or just biz give u a significant advantage in the job market over undergraduates coming out of a&m? Do ut kids have less obstacles to overcome? </p>
<p>any thoughts? just wondering.</p>
<p>you’re*, sorry people.</p>