Transferring to Tamu

Hi ,im currently a student at utsa and ive been wanting to transfer to tamu into the college of public health , how hard is it really to transfer into tamu? i took some summer classes and landed with a 3.5 gpa and this fall&spring i can get a 3.0 or above but how hard will it be to transfer into it next year??ps im currently a freshman and looking into different colleges to transfer but tamu is my first choice

@Rmartinez9657 Here is the TAMU Public Heath transfer course sheet of the requirements. A 3.0 is a minimum GPA to be considered but to actually be accepted, you need to be as competitive an applicant as possible. Meaning, you need to have higher GPA than minimum in addition to having all of the required coursework completed.

This is last years info packet but it has a lot of good info for transfer students

Honestly thank you, but will all my classes transfer if im taking general courses bc im majoring rn in public health at utsa but im not sure if all the classes im taking will transfer, if they don’t what happens to those credit hours??

Honestly thank you, but will all my classes transfer if im taking general courses bc im majoring rn in public health at utsa but im not sure if all the classes im taking will transfer, if they don’t what happens to those credit hours??

@Rmartinez9657 The Texas Common Course Numbering System will help you determine if what you are taking now will count towards the TAMU required courses.
Here is the TCCNS website
Here is the TCCNS website that compares A&M with UTSA (or compare any institution).

The first link I sent you, shows the TCCNS course relative to A&M’s course. For instance, Intro Biology I on the course sheet, A&M requires Bio 111. The tccns equivalent that will satisfy this requirement is Biology 1306/1106 or 1406. UTSA calls the class Biology 1106.
So, if you have taken/are taking Biology 1106, the credit for that class will satisfy the A&M requirement of Bio 111.

My middle child transferred universities after freshmen year. All of her hours “transferred” but not all of them counted towards her major. Though she was in a science field at Uni 1, those science classes she had credit for, did not replace the science classes that were required for the major at Uni 2. Only 1 of her incoming credits will count towards the major electives. Her transcript reads that she has 90 total hours and 77 hours towards her major. Does that make sense?

You need to look at the first link I sent you again and look at the courses A&M requires you to take in order to be a transfer applicant. The common course numbers are listed as well. Then look up the courses you are taking/have taken at UTSA (using the compare institutions link) and see if what you have will satisfy the requirements. This will help you determine what you need to satisfy the transfer requirement if you are lacking, and the corresponding course you can take at UTSA.

@Rmartinez9657 I am curious - my son was interested in a few schools for Public Health with UTSA & TAMU being on his list. Why are you wanting to transfer away from UTSA?

unlike tamu utsa doesn’t really have a solid course it sorta feels like a crash course on it , while tamu has a college specifically designed for public health utsa public health falls under liberal arts but tamu has a college of public health

Also ive always wanted go go to tamu (aggie fan) but I settled for utsa since i live near it but its kinda eating me that im not there also tamu public health is better than utsa

I sorta understand what you’re saying , but if I already took some classes will they transfer over if they don’t fall under my major requirements? like if i have 44 credits and some don’t transfer towards my major will those credits still help me in getting in ?

General classes usually will transfer without too much trouble, but the only way to know for sure is to apply to A&M and schedule an appointment with an adviser over there. They’re the only ones who can tell you for sure. Good luck!


Have you looked at/are you following the A&M Transfer Course Sheet for Public Health? You must have completed the requirements before you can be considered for transfer.

Depending on which classes you have taken will depend on if they transfer. The Transfer Course Equivalency will tell you which will transfer.!/

Having 44 hours isn’t necessarily going to give you any boost for admissions if too many don’t don’t count toward your major. The transfer course sheet for 2018-2019 states minimum GPA of 3.0 (know that competitive applicants will have higher than the minimum) Minimum Transferable Houses is 42 with a maximum of 90.
If you have 44 credit hours, that is only 2 above the minimum required. The transfer course sheet goes on to say “Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. The entire record is reviewed for consistency in coursework and grades”.

You really, really, really need to be mindful of what classes you are taking, if you do indeed have 44 credit hours you need to figure out what you have taken that satisfies the transfer course requirements and what you need to take going forward to satisfy the course requirements. Too many hours beyond the requirements can be a hindrance for transfer students. Public health has 90 hour cap.

In looking at the transfer course requirements, for instance, Freshman English Composition I, Texas Common Course Number System (TCCNS) ENGL 1301, is WRC 1013 Freshman Composition I at UTSA. A&M does not have a course equivalency for Comp I, so while it transfers, it won’t be considered towards your transfer admissions requirements. But if you have taken ENG 2413 Technical Writing at UTSA, that would transfer AND count towards your major, as it would satisfy the communications requirement of A&M course ENGL 210 Scientific & Technical Writing (TCCNS 2311) or if you have taken UTSA class COM 2113 Public Speaking (TCCNS: SPCH 1315 which is equivalent to TAMU: COMM 203).

All public colleges and universities require a University Core Curriculum (sometimes called your “basics”) which I am sure you are familiar with. However, A&M is a tad different than others in that they require 6 hours of the UCC to satisfy the ICD requirement (International Cultural Diversity). So if you have satisfied the Social and Behavior Science and Creative Arts requirements at UTSA, those same courses may not satisfy the ICD requirement at A&M and you will need to take additional UCC courses to satisfy that requirement. You may have to look up an equivalency course at UTSA that will satisfy it. I have put a link to A&M UCC/ICD below.

To compare UTSA courses to A&M courses, I looked up the UTSA equivalents for A&M on the TCCNS website by clicking “Compare Schools” and then entering UTSA and A&M. It will give you the TCCNS number, the UTSA course number and the TAMU course number for every class in which there is an equivalency. The link is below.

This is the transfer course sheet for public health. Use the TCCNS link to compare the courses you have taken at UTSA and find their equivalency for A&M. The transfer course sheet has a lot of information on it about with additional requirements on it besides the courses.

Transfer Course Sheet Guidelines

Texas Common Course Numbering System

TAMU University Core Curriculum/ICD