Transferring to Texas Tech


<p>I am transferring to Tech this coming Fall semester and I had a few questions. I am transferring to Tech for Computer Science BS/MS program and was wondering if there is anyone that is in that program now that can give me some information for a students point of view.
Also I am going to visit the campus in two week and look for apartments. Can any one tell me what apartments are best for a student that is older and a veteran? What areas of Lubbock are the safest and what area should I stay away from? </p>

<p>Thank you in advance for your response. </p>

<p>Hello! Not sure if I can be of help, but I just got back from Lubbock. Like you I’m an older student (45 years old) &I was there Thur & Fri (June 5th & 6th). I signed a lease at Raiders Pass. Honeycom b Apartments sounded like the best apartment for older students & they are right across the street from the campus. However, they could NOT guarantee me a room for Fall. I would have been notified in MID July whether or not I got one. That is pushing it TOO close to Fall, so I had to pass. I wound up at Raiders Pass. I did not have to pay any fee or deposit (which Honeycomb had asked even without a guarantee. I will pay $424 a month & share a room with 3 others (it is a 4 bedroom). The great thing is it comes furnished, each room has it’s OWN private bathroom, and there is a washer & dryer IN the room. Also on the application it asks you what traits would you like in your room mates so they can try to match you up. Basically I said a studious person & a mature person. I figure that’s close enough. In either case I’m to study & not party so I’ll be either in my room or at the library. It’s also across the street on 4th street. I forgot to add, it has a pool and computers and a printer there on the premises which is also cool. I’m not into swimming, but the computer & printer are cool. Good luck!</p>