Transferring to uc's with 4.0

<p>If I were to go to ecc or smc and kept a 4.0 is there strong chance that I could transfer to ucla as a histoy major?
And what's better ecc or smc?</p>

<p>if u really wanna go to ucla sign the TAP. I am an smc student and majority of people who are in tap w/ at least a 3.2 get in... HIstory is impacted u're going to want to have around a 3.5 w/ tag. Know a lot of people who got in under ur major.</p>

<p>BTW 4.0 is very dificult at smc.</p>

<p>Yes. </p>

<p>Average gpa for history transfers at ucla is around 3.6 (dont quote me, but it's definitely around there). 4.0 would practically be guaranteed. Tap definitely helps. I think if you could swing a 3.8 and do Tap, you'd have no problems. Even a 3.6 with tap you'd be set. Just make sure your lower divisions are done and the gpa is above average and you should be fine.</p>

<p>yes its an unwritten law that UCs have to admit transfer students with a 4.0. there are exceptions however, but almost always a 4.0 from a CC? you're in!</p>

<p>the average admitted transfer gpa is a 3.53 under history to ucla. My advice would be to not apply to ucla as a history major cause that is what im doing and you will just take my spot. im just joking goodluck to you.</p>

<p>HighschoolDA, I have something important to ask you! Send a message over to my email if you get this <a href=""></a> Thanks!</p>