Transferring to UF from another FL school

<p>I have a 3.56 GPA here at USF as well as several EC's. However, I had a bunch of W's in my first year, which I explained in my letter of intent. I'm applying as a Philosophy major and I have a very high GPA in philosophy classes in general (provided that they don't calculate W's in that, because I dropped Intro to Formal Logic twice - not for grade reasons though). I also had a D in Spring 08, which I later retook. All in all, it was a horrible freshman year.</p>

<p>Since then, though, I've been taking 20 credits per semester and I've been doing great. So realistically, what are my chances? I'm applying for the Summer B session.</p>

<p>It is worth a shot to apply. I am not sure how other major specific admissions work, but in the business school everything comes down to the pre-professional GPA most of the time. For the most part, if you have every pre-professional class completed and close to a 4.0 in those classes you will be accepted, anything less than that seems like a crap shoot. They definately have a preference for CC students, so I don’t know how the admissions are for non-CC transfers. Just give it a shot, all they can do is say no. I am pretty sure that the business school is one of the most selective ones to transfer into, so you may have a decent chance.</p>

<p>Well, here’s my record thus far in philosophy. (keep in mind that i’m currently taking 5 philosophy courses this semester and anticipate fantastic grades)</p>

<p>PHI courses that I’m currently taking</p>

<p>Late Modern Philosophy
Philosophy of Marxism
Intro to Ethics
Critical Thinking
Intro to Formal Logic (2 W’s for non-grade reasons, taking it right now)</p>

<p>I’ve taken</p>

<p>Science and Society A+
Intro to Philosophy A+
Existentialism B</p>

<p>IDK. Your grades look good to me, I would say you will probably get in. However, I am almost certain that you should try to finish up two years at your current school and meet all of the requirements for the first two years at UF in doing so. Like I said, I have experience applying to the business school and they were only willing to accept students under that condition. I worked my *** off to meet their requirements lol, however, I ended up switching majors and never went to UF(but I did get accepted lol). So, my best advice is to contact your specific program at UF directly and ask them what their requirements are. Then just continue getting good grades while meeting the requirements and you should be fine.</p>

<p>For a public school UF is very selective, well it’s due to its popularity. It’s actually my school of choice too. From what I’ve read and the articulation agreements that it has as a florida public school is that it will accept little to no transfer student that isn’t under the agreement. A suggestion I may give you is get an As in arts from your university, or even better transfer ur credits to a CC and get an AA from them.</p>