<p>I am a 2nd semester sophomore with a 3.0 gpa looking to transfer my junior year (from George Mason University to University of Virginia).</p>
<p>In high school, I had average grades (88.8 all throughout 4 years)
Freshman year of college, I had two D's (which absolutely KILLED my gpa) but other than that they were all A's and B's </p>
<p>Should I bother applying?
Will UVA even look at my application ? </p>
<p>Comments & suggestions are more appreciated.. ooorr you can just tell me yes or no if my gpa speaks for itself.. haha thanks</p>
<p>As for residency, I am considered in-state but I am also a minority (Asian). Will that cut my chances even more? </p>
<p>I’ve gotten D’s only freshman year… took like 5 summer courses and since then, every semester I managed to get A’s and B’s. This spring semester I plan to retake one class to raise my gpa (I didnt know retaking a class replaces the grade!!!) Hopefully they see that I am working hard. I should probobly mention that in the essay, yea?</p>
<p>Also, if I’m looking to transfer my junior year, should I not turn in my SAT scores? Because honestly… they were really not above par haha</p>
<p>AAAnd one more thing- if I get rejected, is it okay to apply AGAIN for the spring semester? Because that would be my last chance :(</p>
<p>Geesh I’m new to this whole transferring thing and every other post is like, … I have a 3.999999 gpa, what are my chances? And I feel so dumb especially to find those D’s coming back around to bite my arse. So thanks for all the input- I really appreciate them!</p>
<p>virginia is a really really good school. it is considered as one of the best public schools in the nation, as it is almost on par with some of the ivys. i personally dont know anyone who applied to UVA, but I know someone who got flat out rejected, no deferrals or waitlistings, to UMICH with a 3.6 HS GPA and a 4.0 college GPA…also w/ an ACT of 31 and SATs of 2120 I think…and UMICH and UVA are pretty much tied when it comes to academic prestige. It will be hard…even if you are a resident of virginia.</p>
<p>on the other hand, why not? applying cant hurt you. Take your chances and apply, who knows, they might favor that upper trend in grades that you mentioned and see you fit for acceptance.</p>