Transferring to UW-Madison nursing program

I am a sophomore at a smaller UW school and I am thinking about transferring to UW Madison for my nursing program. My GPA is 3.8. I currently have 35 credits and will have 60 credits when this school year is completed. Does anyone know how competitive it is to get into Madison’s nursing program? What factors are considered in your application besides your GPA?

Does this help?

Thank you for the above post. I read that also. I was just wondering if anyone had any personal experience with the nursing program at UW-Madison.

The first FAQ says competition is highly competitive and 350-400 people apply for 150-160 spots. Average admittrd GPA is 3.55.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

The UW–Madison School of Nursing is committed to offering a strong and challenging academic program of study that builds the knowledge, judgment, and skills necessary to enter the exciting field of nursing. We seek to admit students who demonstrate strong academic ability, as well as leadership, community service, creativity, talent, and enthusiasm. Admission is offered to students who present the strongest overall applications and who are anticipated to contribute the most to the class, school, and university. Admission is highly competitive and based on a thorough and holistic evaluation of each application.

Factors/attributes considered include:

Academic Preparation and Performance
Extracurricular Activities and Service
Health Care Experience and Professional Goals
Diversity in Experience and Background
Quality of Application Statements/Essays