Transferring to UW Madison

I am currently a freshman at UW Green Bay and am looking to transfer to UW Madison for Fall 2017 and was wondering what my chances of being accepted are.

High school GPA: 3.3
27 ACT
AP Macro, AP Micro, AP Lit, 3 years foreign language
Football, Track, Summer and Winter lifting program
Worked 15 hours a week during school, 40 hours over summer

College GPA: 3.5
15 credits first semester, 3 winterim, 17 spring
100s and 200s courses
4 letters of recommendation, 1 from first boss, 2 from old teachers/ coaches, one from professor
Intramurals, job on campus and computer science club

I feel that my essays were fairly good and I have been in contact with multiple counselors from Madison. I am majoring in computer science and am transferring due to UW Green Bays poor fit for me and lackluster computer science program so I really want to be accepted for next fall and not waste another year at UW Green Bay. Thanks for any feedback.

Did you apply to UW-Madison last year?

I applied December 2016 to UW Madison. I didn’t apply there straight out of high school.

It looks like you can handle UW-Madison work. Good luck. I agree that there is a world of difference between the two schools.

I am a college freshman, at a 4 year college, looking to apply as a transfer student at UW for fall 2017. I have 24 college credits and will earn 16 more after spring semester. My first semester gpa was 3.7. I am a Wisconsin resident. My high school gpa was 3.4 (with several AP classes and earned 9 college credits thru CAPP)with an upward trend my junior and senior years with a 3.7 & 3.85 respectively. I have excellent essays and letters of recommendation. I also participated in several leadership roles, extracurriculars. After extensive testing,I was diagnosed, at the end of fall semester, with dyslexia. Thus, explaining why I struggled in high school. I worked hard to be organized to improve my gpa junior & senior year, all without any accommodations due to falling through the school districts cracks. I am now approved to receive accommodations to assist me in studying and test taking as standardized and scantron tests are tricky for a dyslexic. What are my chances?

@Swope20 Good luck m8. I just applied for transfer from UW-Milwaukee for the Spring 2017 term and got rejected. My credentials:

GPA: 3.724
-Business honors program
-Major-related internship after freshman year
-Underrepresented ethnicity
-Vice President of largest business student org at UW-Milwaukee
-2 letters of rec: 1 from a math professor who got all his degrees (bachelor-Phd) at Madison and taught at Cornell, the other from a leader from my internship
-Multiple business awards won

I was told I was rejected for not having all of my foreign language requirements done- so I’d make sure you have all of their course requirements done. If you don’t get in, definitely apply again- that’s what I’m planning on doing. There are a lot of factors (quotas, out-of-state tuition, budgets, etc) that go into a public university’s admissions decision. I would HIGHLY recommend applying to more universities that have strong programs for your desired major. I really hope you get in (because really hoping to leave your uni and getting denied sucks), but if you don’t, try, try again.

So sorry about the denial. You didn’t mention how many college credits you’ve obtained, which means your high school transcript could have been used to make their decision. Not saying yours wasn’t stellar, but unfortunately the business school is probably the most competitive school at UW. Therefore, admissions is forced to compare the many qualified applications with a microscope and I would guess current UW students receive priority. For admitted freshmen, UW looks for 3 years of a single foreign language, but mentions 2 years of high school or 2 semesters of college foreign language for transfer students. Not sure why it would differ. I wish you the best of luck on a future transfer admission as your stats are excellent.

Note that minimum requirements and having competitive credentials can vary. One reason transfer students can get accepted by meeting minimum requirements while HS students need to compete with their peers who take more foreign language years. btw- to graduate more than the minimum entrance requirements are likely. Message to HS students- take that foreign language for at least three years to avoid needing it at UW (four for an L&S BA)- you don’t need A’s or passing any proficiency exam for the units to count.

@Samjoseph Sorry to hear you weren’t accepted. I took 3 years of German in high school so I should be good on that. I feel you definitely would’ve been accepted if you had the foreign language. If I do not get in I definitely will be applying again. Would I be able to resubmit my application if I am not accepted again for next fall? I will have a large portion of my Gen Eds done already after this year so I really want to transfer to a better program like UW Madison for my major classes. I talked with someone who went through UW Green Bays computer science program and he said it was terrible as they hold your hand through the courses and its easier than other colleges. Doesn’t really prep you well for an actual job along with the high school school feel UW Green Bay gives it isn’t great.

Also my college GPA is now going up to a 3.58 as I got an A in my winterim class. UW Madsion said that by end of April I will hear back. Does anyone know if/when I could potentially hear back earlier or when students typically hear back?

As far as hearing back, they updated their website recently ( or at least I just looked at it recently). There’s something called “priority decision”. I copied the link below. So, it says that if you apply by February 1st and have materials in by Feb 8th, then you should hear back by the end of March. I heard they aren’t doing rolling admissions which means they won’t send decisions out in waves, right? Also, what does your portal say? For mine it just changed and it says they’re reviewing my application. Wasn’t sure if everyone’s says this though.

Oh here’s the link:

@Nayven Yeah my portal was also just changed to being in review. I think everyone who has all of their materials in probably had theirs changed to that. I am not sure about the sending results in waves though, but I believe they are not.

@Swope20 awhhh man. I thought that was a good sign :confused: I am so anxious to hear a decision already!

@Nayven Yea same for me. I have heard a few people being accepted but they were all current seniors in high school so. Hopefully we find out soon. Best of luck to you.

Hey everyone!

I’m a current college freshman at UW-La Crosse, trying to transfer to UW-Madison for fall 2017. Wondering if anyone could give me my chances of getting accepted(:

High School GPA: 3.9
27 ACT
All IB classes junior and senior year, with straight As senior year. I also received the International-Baccalaureate diploma after completing the IB diploma program through my high school. I took 4 years of German, and am continuing to take it in college. In high school my extra curricular activities included: President of the volunteer club at my high school, officer of the German-American partnership program, and volunteering at the local hospital. I also participated in 4 mission trips, as well as studied abroad for a month before my senior year of high school. During high school I worked a part time job, about 10-12 hours per week.

College GPA (after first semester): 2.9
16 credits after first semester, 17 in progress for this semester. I also earned 12 retro-credits for German, as well as 6 credits from IB exams. The low GPA is from taking classes in two of my weakest subjects!

My college extra curriculars include a volunteer sorority, biology club, and a part time job working at a group home off campus (about 24 hours per week)

I have 3 letters of rec, 1 from my IB counselor in high school, 1 from a high school math teacher, and 1 from a retired Biology professor who worked at UW-Madison and is a good family friend.

I don’t know if it’s important or not, but I was accepted to UW-Madison for the fall of 2016!

I know my college GPA is super low right now, but I’m hoping that everything else will help balance it out. What do you guys think?

You college grades do not look good. I wonder what happened to you- your HS record makes it seem that your weakest subjects should still make B’s likely in college. This semester you need to have much better grades. UW-Madison is tougher than the other state schools.

Let me know what you think!

GPA cumm : 3.295 (on the lower side, but I made a 3.75 GPA last semester). or it could be a 3.339 depending on what credits transfer over.
27 Credits
Ec: Lifeguard(CPR certified),Fraternity Member (PHI KAP), Actor, Film Club, MMA Club, Youth Church group member…more
90% of my immediate family attended UW-Madison (Legacy,) I have an older brother there right now!
Out of state from (Texas)
5 Letters of recommendation
-one from a Stanford Alumni ( Doctor) another from an indie movie Producer/director. and old coaches.
2 Solid essays!
And I am planning to major in Communication arts, so I applied for letters and sciences. I intend to major in media production.
Hoping to join the wrestling team and ROTC
-also I sent in my application December 28th

Hmm- it will be interesting to see what happens. Only 27 credits in I assume 2 semesters is a light load- only 13 or 14 credits per semester. At this rate it will take longer than a total of 8 semesters to graduate. Not sure you could handle a heavy, tough UW load. Transfer credits should not change your gpa- it is what your current school states. You start over with a new gpa at a new college.

You need to think first of the academics and getting your degree in college. Extra activities do not replace taking courses and getting good grades in them. Too many clubs and too little study time???

@wis75 Thank you for the input! and I plan on doing more classes during the summer as well, and I originally would’ve had more than 27 but only 15 credits of my first 27 transferred over. Im also doing spring courses this semester, so catching up should not be a huge issue along with summer courses every summer.

Whoa- you are doing some creative accounting here. Even if all credits do not transfer UW will be looking at your entire record- all credits and the gpa based on them. It is vastly different to have handled a heavy load than to take bare minimum full time loads. UW will see if you can handle a light or heavy workload. I doubt Admissions looks at how many credits will transfer when deciding to admit you- that is your responsibility when figuring out what you need to graduate. They will look at the types of courses- such as remedial coursework (eg math, English at precollege levels) when making the decision of course. Stellar grades in those may mean you are now ready to tackle the tougher classes at UW, but if you can’t do well in those you can’t be expected to be prepared well enough to succeed at UW. It may be that you needed such courses to be ready for UW and now are. Or, it may be in your best interest to stay where you are.