Transferring to VT advice

Hey so I currently go to George Mason University and I am planning to transfer to VT next fall (after one year). I have many questions on what i should do and expect, so here i go:

  1. Transferring in one year, will it be difficult?
  2. Will i be competing for spots against people who are transferring in 2 years?
  3. Does VT weigh the acceptance on the difficulty level of the classes you took compared to others?
  4. What GPA do you think i would need on average for a good chance to get in? Good chance = 80%+

Thanks guys!

I submitted my transfer application to engineering after one semester at my former 4-year college. I had a 3.6 GPA and the courses I was taking were pretty much exactly what first years at VT were taking. In addition to having at least a GPA of 3.0 or greater, i think the key to acceptance is to be in a curriculum that is pretty much the equivalent at VT so that you will be at the same credit standing as your VT classmates.

Oh ok, because I’m taking courses that are credit transferable and is the courses i need for first years of what I’m trying to major in.
Thank you!