Transferring with {Bad} Academic Standing

So I will have only completed 6 out of 8 courses at my school, and this places me on “Warning” for academic status at my school. I am wondering if this means I will not be allowed to transfer. In particular, I am interested in NYU, and they say you must be in good academic standing with your institution. My GPA is basically a 4.0 (1 class w grade of Pass, not sure how to calculate that in), but due to medical reasons I was unable to complete two courses my spring semester. Will this be an issue? Thanks in advance.

Medical withdrawals are different from other withdrawals. So contact NYU and ask them about this.

Medical reasons are much more understandable than if you were to have failed courses or had disciplinary issues. I wouldn’t fret too much, but I would confer with both NYU and your current school.

OK thank you two very much. I will contact both schools.