<p>Hi. My sister wants to transfer to Columbia but how does this affect her stay there with the CORE since she wants to double major in Physics and Linguistics (odd but interesting combination). Would it make her graduate in five or six years instead of four or would she get something from the CORE waived? I just wanted some opinions/ideas. Or should it be OK? What do you think? Thanks!</p>
<p>Well, to start, sorry to say there is no linguistics major at Columbia. Also, transfer or not, it's difficult to double major at Columbia because of the CORE, though it's possible to do a major plus a concentration (more than a minor, less than a major.) I believe there is also some kind of limit on the number of units you can accumulate or semesters you can spend enrolled getting a BA.</p>
<p>There should be some transfer students on here who can tell you whether or not Columbia waives any of the CORE in some situations, though the impression the university likes to give is that it does not.</p>
I believe there is also some kind of limit on the number of units you can accumulate or semesters you can spend enrolled getting a BA.
<p>In CC and SEAS, you need to get your degree in 9 and 8 semesters, respectively. No idea how it works if you transfer.</p>
<p>you can place out of music hum, and possibly even art hum, but you'd better be an expert in either one if you want to clear that.</p>
<p>The thing is, the actual core isn't all that onerous, despite its reputation. You have probably 3 year-long courses, 4 half-year courses, and maybe 1 or 2 side things to finish it off, all spread over 4 years. Double-majoring means a lot of other requirements, though, so you might be looking at 6-7 classes per semester. Personally, i'd rather keep my sanity and take a 5th year.</p>
<p>Cool! Thank you for all of your advice!</p>
<p>My girlfriend transferred in as a junior, and was only exempted from University Writing and one science class...she's had no problem fulfilling the requirements, dealing with her major, and taking electives, although she did find dealing with Lit Hum and CC as a junior and senior, respectively, somewhat awkward.</p>