Transfers to UC: is one C okay?

I just finished my first semester at comm. college. I am hoping to transfer to at least UCI or UCSB. But I got a C in my precal class. I have always been really bad at math. I studied a lot and did all the homework and extra credit but still ended up with a C. Grades are not finalized but I am pretty sure I got As in all of my other classes. I took gen chem, English, and pub speaking. If I get straight As from now on, do I still have a chance at transferring to a good UC? I am psychology major btw. Thank you

One C will not get you rejected from a UC. Do you plan to TAG to either UCI or UCSB? TAG requirements for pre-req courses may be more stringent than applying as a regular transfer so you need to check each schools requirements.

Here is a link for the UC Transfer GPA admit range by major for all campuses, so you can gauge your chances:

As long as you meet the GPA threshold a single C won’t keep you out of your target schools. Use the TAG framework and you should be good to go.