Transportation from Manchester Airport

<p>What is the easiest/most convenient means of transportation from the Manchester Airport to Dartmouth? I couldn't find good information about this on the school's website. DD will be flying by herself right before the DOC trip and I have no idea how she will get from the airport to the school. Thanks!</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>vermont transit to MHT, or Dartmouth coach to BOS. Both work great, and stop in front of the Hanover Inn.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>nowayout not to worry follow bluebayou link to vermont transit</p>

<p>manch is safe and small....she walks off the plane downstairs to baggage
goes out front central doors and there is a bus shelter to the left on maybe
the second traffic aisle?...just wait there,,,can pay on bus..22 or so each way
then relax 1 hour and 15 to dartmouth campus
when you look at schedules be carefull of am/ pm....some stop at manc AIRPORT but a few stop downtown only which she can jump in a cab or i believe a
shuttle to manchester bus terminal dowwntown but of course rather avoid this</p>

<p>white river junction 0n vermont side is the real terminal for hanover area
its about 15 min away connecting to campus by local bus or taxi..but most stop at the hanover inn also</p>

<p>one more thing</p>

<p>they change the schedules seasonally so always update
and on heavy traffic days they sometimes add 1 or 2 more
buses for students</p>

<p>^ not anymore. Beware. Now that Greyhound has taken over Vermont Transit, service is not as good to Manchester airport. Problems - fewer buses each day, can’t reserve a spot on the bus … D arrived in Manchester Saturday morning. Waited 2 hours for the 11am bus to Hanover and was shut out because it was full. Next bus was not until 3pm so she took a cab with several other students at a cost of $50 each. Annoying because she waited for the bus and had she known it would be full, she could have taken a cab immediately and been back at school before the 11am bus even left. I guess Greyhound is not adding extra buses for peak times. Wish Dartmouth would arrange some airport transportation like other colleges do for breaks.</p>

<p>that is a shame that greyhound is not up to par </p>

<p>you should inform the first year dean at school
the dartmouth newspaper
the airport itelf since they have an interest
in people using them vs boston</p>

<p>in the past the students have organized private buses to nyc etc
for short breaks…my son did it once and bus broke down</p>

<p>I contacted Greyhound around Thanksgiving when I realized the Vermont Transit schedule was not adopted when they assumed ownership. They told me it was an economic issue and there was not enought ridership. I also spoke to the First Year Office at Dartmouth about my concerns in November. No help there at all!! They said the bus was the only way to get to the airport unless the students hired a transportation service/airport limo. I told them I had looked into the transp services and they were too expensive. Then I told them I had another child at Yale and that Yale runs all kinds of shuttles and buses to the surrounding airports every break. Not even sure it is necessary at Yale since there is an abundance of reasonable transportation there. I told the Dartmouth First Year rep that Dartmouth really needed to step up here to do something and assume some responsibility for being in the middle of nowhere. I think we need more students and parents to complain.</p>

<p>I contacted Greyhound around Thanksgiving when I realized the Vermont Transit schedule was not adopted when they assumed ownership. They told me it was an economic issue and there was not enought ridership. I also spoke to the First Year Office at Dartmouth about my concerns in November. No help there at all!! They said the bus was the only way to get to the airport unless the students hired a transportation service/airport limo. I told them I had looked into the transp services and they were too expensive. Then I told them I had another child at Yale and that Yale runs all kinds of shuttles and buses to the surrounding airports every break. Not even sure it is necessary at Yale since there is an abundance of reasonable transportation there. I told the Dartmouth First Year rep that Dartmouth really needed to step up here to do something and assume some responsibility for being in the middle of nowhere. I think we need more students and parents to complain.</p>

<p>The Manchester airport is a great airport-but what good is it if there is no transportation. We live outside of Manchester and ended up driving a few extra kids back to Dartmouth yesterday when their bus didn’t materialize. There should be a shuttle.</p>

<p>I would be willing to guess that there are more people flying out of Logan than there are flying out of Manchester.</p>

<p>Has your D contacted SA? Perhaps they could do some type of survey, cost analyis regarding running shuttle service to Manchester during holdiays like they run shuttle buses to NYC. They may have looked at the situation and found that it was not cost effective because there are so many different schedules to consider especially during finals.</p>

<p>I’m also frustrated with Greyhound. Good luck purchasing a ticket or even getting a bus schedule online for the Dartmouth/Manchester Airport trips. Do you know how much time I wasted trying to get a human being from their company on the phone to get an accurate bus schedule? Good grief! I’ve complained to Greyhound twice about the lack of online accessibility for these stops, and so far nothing has changed. My daughter says that their bus seats are so uncomfortable that she’d rather take the much longer trip to Logan Airport on the Dartmouth Coach. It’s a real shame because I can get reasonably priced, nonstop tickets through Southwest Air - which unfortunately stops at Manchester Airport instead of Logan.</p>

<p>same here. Southwest is our best option out of Manchester Airport. Only 1 hour 10 minute flight and cheaper. Out of Boston it’s a 1 hour flight but way more expensive and a much longer bus ride to and from Dartmouth.</p>

<p>Does anybody know why the Dartmouth Coach doesn’t stop at Manchester Airport?</p>

<p>Hanover is the Dartmouth Coach’s northernmost stop…
I took it in November and it was a nice ride, even if it was a bit long.</p>

<p>I live in Maine and the flight from my airport to Logan is 30 minutes, but a round trip flight is $400! (On a 40 seat plane x.x) It’s way cheaper for me to take a bus from here to Boston, then the Dartmouth Coach… it’s about $240 round trip that way versus $520. I wish that I could drive! </p>

<p>I’ve never been to Manchester, so I don’t know how that airport is. I had never flown before and was a little overwhelmed by Logan (I went on the plane by myself), so safety-wise, I’d have to go with Manchester… just my 2 cents</p>

<p>Dartmouth should do something. DS had 2 friends who missed their flight home for Christmas because they did not realize that Dartmouth Coach has limited capacity going to Logan. They arrived at the Inn 20 minutes before the bus departed to find that upperclassmen in the know had gotten there an hour early and there was a line down the block.</p>

<p>The bus to NYC also fills up quickly.</p>

<p>Petition anyone?</p>

<p>I think we really need to do something. As I noted earlier, the First Year Office was no help. Yale runs shuttles to the NYC airports and Hartford airport and Harvard runs shuttles to the Boston and Hartford airports, even though students at those schools have a wealth of transportation options. Yet Dartmouth students are left to the mercy of two very inferior bus lines??</p>

<p>I called Dartmouth Coach and asked if it would be possible to add Manchester Airport to their route. The response was that the choice of service providers is made by the airport. </p>

<p>My thought is that if the school continues to refuse to offer some sort of shuttle service (at least during the holidays), then maybe we should call whoever is in charge of bus service at Manchester Airport. We could request that they bring in something like the blue Super Shuttle service or the Dartmouth Coach. What do you all think??</p>

<p>Sybbie - it shouldn’t be an issue of cost-effectiveness, since there is no reason they couldn’t charge the students for the shuttle service. When students are missing flights or unable to get on a return bus, something should be done to supplement the inadequate existing bus services.</p>



<p>The operative word in your quote is Yale. At Dartmouth service to the airports are not provided by the college but by private organizations.</p>

<p>What I said in my quote was perhaps students going to Hanover should contact SA to see if they can set up a shuttle service. I don’t know if it has been done in the past, perhaps, perhaps not. . </p>

<p>If a petition is sent to anyone, I think it should be sent to SA as it would be easier for them to get shuttle service than it would be waiting for a private company (and who knows how many chains of command) to decide to run a bus to Manchester. If SA is going to take on the expense, they should probably do a needs and a cost analysis, because they are not even going to take on the responsibility of running this if it operates at a loss.</p>

<p>If they have to pay an outside provider to run the shuttle service and are charged 500 a day to go to Manchester airport, and only 10 students go to Manchester on any given day (I don’t know, just throwing out numbers for an example) they would have to charge on average $50 each way just so the shuttle can pay for it self.</p>

<p>This is the same scenario they used with the bus service to NYC. When my D was a freshman, they only ran 1 bus to NYC over thanksgiving and Christmas. Tickets were sold on a first come first served basis. Tickets ended up being sold out in less than 90 minutes. What SA found that there was a need to have more than 1 bus to go to NYC over the holidays. They had enough people to fill a second bus so the bus paid for itself (I guess they may need to revist again since 2 buses are filling up).</p>

<p>Sybbie - I don’t understand your point that “the operative word” in my quote is Yale. There are a wealth of private bus service lines, trains. the “T” that run to the area airports from Yale and Harvard. However, those schools have chosen to add their own shuttles during peak student travels times to help their students because of the exact problems Dartmouth students are encountering with the private bus companies. My point about Harvard and Yale was that the students there have many alternate ways of getting to the area airports, while Dartmouth students do not, yet those schools are willing to help.</p>