<p>Hi, we'll be visiting several DC area colleges in August.
Third on the list is U. of Maryland, then we plan to return our rental car to Union Station in DC, then take the train or bus to get to U. of Delaware. Do you think this is realistic?
We're going to return the car in DC because that's where we're renting it to visit other colleges and because I can't find a way to return it, reasonably, in Newark. Do you know about car rentals from DC that can be returned in Newark or Wilmington?</p>
<p>So I'd really appreciate your ideas on how to make this all work within a budget.</p>
<p>I think logistically having the car and finding out how to return it north is going to be much easier than navigating transit to U of Delaware. Call Avis and ask them what options they can offer in returning a rental in Newark/Wilmington.</p>
<p>Why are you renting the car? And did you already buy your plane tickets? </p>
<p>You’ll need a car if you’re still going to go to UVA or just about any other VA schools. You do not need a car for the DC schools (GW, Catholic, UMd are all on the metro, AU and Georgetown are a bus ride from the metro or an easy cab ride away). If the Amtrak or bus leaves you close to UDE (I do not know this but you may want to call DE and ask them [Transportation</a> - University of Delaware](<a href=“http://www.udel.edu/transportation/]Transportation”>Transportation | Facilities, Real Estate & Auxiliary Services)), then I would get rid of the car before I even set foot in DC. I would just use it to visit VA. </p>
<p>The reason I asked if you had already bought your plane ticket is because if you land at National and rent your car from there, you can return it there and jump on the metro and be in DC. Dulles is not on the metro. This isn’t critical though. There are hotels in the suburbs area which run shuttle buses to the metro. </p>
<p>But to answer your question… I would check with Enterprise; they used to be pretty good about returning to other locations. If you can’t find a place that will let you return it in Wilmington, it may be easier to retun it to another <em>airport</em>. Unfortunately, Wilmington is usually serviced by the Philly airport. The worst case scenario would be to return the car at BWI and take a shuttle bus to Wilmington but, honestly, it makes little sense to use the car in DC and take public outside of it (unless you really hate driving and are avoiding I-95.) You don’t want to have to pay to park in DC and if you’re staying in the suburbs, you’ll be paying a rental while you metro all over town.</p>
<p>A list of your schools would make a difference. As 2cwg pointed out, some things are going to be on the metro, some are not. If they are, you want to take advantage of transit and skip the parking.</p>
<p>When I suggested you take the rental to U of Delaware and return it there I wasn’t thinking of UVa… UMDCP to Wilmington.</p>
<p>So what schools are on the summer tour?!</p>
<p>It’s so much more convenient to have a car. DC schools (Gtown? American? GWU?), then a hop up to MD and then to UDel = lots of shuffling here and there that a car would really help. Parking isn’t a big deal either. Park at your hotel, then at the colleges. The benefit of having a car is that you can easily take side trips to some other colleges (Johns Hopkins in Baltimore?) and alas: take a sight seeing tour. Plus, if you head to VA, you could also visit URichmond, W&M, UVa, JMU. none are that far away once you get into the car.</p>
<p>Before you know it, you may also consider touring UPenn, and a few other schools in Pa which, again, are very close.</p>
<p>Thanks for helping!
8/20 Fly into Dulles on frequent Flyer miles (no seats available to make changes; I keep checking)</p>
<p>8/21 and 8/22 Tour DC area for second time (last time 5 years ago)</p>
<p>8/23 Tour GW-DC hotel
8/24 Tour UVA-Charlotesville hotel
8/25 Tour UMD-College Park hotel
8/26 Tour U Delaware- Newark or Wilmington hotel</p>
<p>Train to NYC for 3 nights with family before heading home to CA</p>
<p>This route was picked by my husband, who seems to think it makes the most sense. (He is better than I am with maps and UVA classes begin on 8/24).
I thought we’d get a rental car on 8/24 as we leave DC. I will keep trying to find how we can return it to Wilmington, then take Greyhound to NYC.
Does anyone have more insights they’d like to share? This site is so helpful!!</p>
<p>I think keeping the rental car is easiest. But if you do decide to use public transportation, there is an Amtrak station that is basically on the UDel campus. Just check the Amtrak website to make sure the train you get on in DC stops in Newark. You can then take Amtrak to NYC.</p>
<p>FYI - We will be at UDel on 8/26, as D will be starting there in the Fall and moving in that day. If you need a hotel, use Priceline. You can PM me for specific info.</p>
<p>There is an Amtrak station walking distance from UVA. Plenty of hotels and restaurants right there, too.</p>
<p>In preparation for your visit to UVa during a busy time, remember to make reservations for information sessions & tours if those are important to you. Also look into department tours. I do know that the engineering department offers one that is an excellent compliment to the main tour.<br>
As you get closer and know the timing of your visit, post something on the UVa forum to get great recommendations for local dining, from an awesome deli that’s off a side street, to the best ice cream right off Grounds (might be just the ticket in August!
). I’m sure the same is true for the other universities on your list. The ‘natives’ know the best places.
It sounds like a very ‘doable’ visit if your family travels well. If you are traveling across the country, a trip not every family is willing to make, you need to maximize your miles!</p>
<p>Since you’re traveling on those days when incoming freshman pour in, be sure to get hotel reservations in advance. Hotels fill up with lots of parents for orientation sessions. </p>
<p>Also, if you can make any side trips going to/from the designated colleges, you might discover some fit onto your list later. (We went to UVa, but didn’t see W&M, although DS applied there. I always regretted that.)</p>