Trinity University ED/EA Class of 2027

No one seems to have started a thread so I did :slight_smile: Good luck to all those waiting!

Trinity is a reach for D23 and may be her first rejection so we’re all nervous for this week. Anyone accepted or deferred already in ED?

Anxiously waiting for 12/15…Twin 2 applied EA and Trinity is his #1 choice if he gets in and the finances work out!! That’s the main reason we didn’t go ED, we need to be able to weigh all financial offers before committing.

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We’re in a similar situation. D23 has some pretty strong merit offers so far but Trinity I think is her 1st choice if the $ works out.


Has anyone heard yet? Waiting for EA decision

I just checked and the portal is all weird! But there is a link to housing and admitted student visits so I’m hopeful!

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Same!! Portal looks different and has a bunch of new tabs like housing and health services etc :crossed_fingers:t4:

OMG he got accepted!!! Merit scholarship of $20,000/year.


D23 was accepted! A little disappointed at 20K a year merit

Same…was hoping for more, but we’ll see what happens with the full financial aid package…hoping to see some institutional grants!

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When will financial aid be announced?

Looks like Feb 1 for EA. We’re sadly not going to qualify for extra aid.

We probably won’t either.

accepted w/ 32k murchison


Kind of quiet here! Has anyone committed to Trinity yet? We’re waiting until February 1 to see the full financial aid package before my son decides. We attended Trinity Bites, an admitted students event for DFW area students a couple of weeks ago. It was nice. They had a panel of 4 current students as well as the Department Head for the Business School there. Lots of opportunities to ask specific questions and get some one on one conversations with the area admissions counselor and the other TU people and students there. They gave everyone a maroon TU beanie as swag lol.


We’re down to three schools with Trinity on the list. Waiting to hear about the Baker Duncan scholarship which would help with not as great as we were hoping merit. Signed up for the Tiger Day (I can’t remember if that’s the right name) on March 3 so we’ll see!

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Yea, S23 isn’t doing anything in debate/theater/art so he didn’t apply for that one, but he has scheduled a virtual band/music audition that could have some more scholarship money! The next 2 months are extremely busy for us, we have THREE weddings in our family in Feb & March, so we may try to do the April 14 Tiger Day.

The three schools he’s deciding between are Trinity, Southwestern & TAMU. Thank god his twin brother is easy peasy and made his decision in December and is DONE lol.

D23 ruled out Southwestern which makes me sad because I really liked it and they gave her a great scholarship. She’s down to Hope College, Butler, and Trinity.

My DD really likes TU but we haven’t visited. She’s waiting on a few more schools but for now she likes TU & Rhodes. We are out of state and she is a little worried that so many students are in state at TU.

We’re from Washington :slight_smile: Texas is a big state, I don’t think the kids go home on weekends much. I’m going to make sure she asks though on her accepted students day.

I’m born and raised in DFW, we live in a suburb about 25 miles north of Dallas. San Antonio is a good 5 hours away. My son won’t be coming home on weekends lol. He won’t have a car, and we’ll probably only see him at Thanksgiving/Winter Break/Spring Break and maybe the odd long weekend. Like Izzy said, Texas is HUGE! The joke is you can drive 8 hours and still not have left the state. My eldest son is a sophomore at Texas Tech in Lubbock, which is 5 hours away in the opposite direction. He only comes home on school breaks as well.

Incidentally, my 23 twin doesn’t know anyone else in his class or social circle that has applied to Trinity, so if he does end up there, he’ll be going in without knowing a single soul…he might as well be out of state! From what I have seen and heard, diversity isn’t an issue at TU.

Your child will be just fine. San Antonio is a great city and Trinity is an exceptional school!