Trinity University ED/EA Class of 2027

@Momof3B and @Izzy74 thank you. Texas is big! That does help. I know it’s important to her that the population is diverse. We haven’t lived in the US in 6 years and won’t again until after she graduates. She is excited, but for my state of mind I just want to make sure she is happily situated being so far away.


Not sure if it matters at all but D23 is half Asian and felt like Trinity had a nice mix of ethnicities compared to many of the schools that she’s looking at.


We are Southeast Asian/Muslim and when we visited Trinity, I was very happy to see every color of the rainbow walking around campus. They also have an active Muslim Students Association which was also important to us.


@Izzy74 and @Momof3B thank you that is good to know. TU is very interesting when you look at demographics…it has higher diversity among students than many schools with higher percentages of out of state students. @Momof3B you have twins starting college in the fall! That must be even more of an exhausting search! Where are they thinking they want to go. Is TU a first choice for either? Our daughter starting in the Fall is our 3rd but she is drawn to different colleges than our first 2. Our oldest went to UChicago but will start law school in the midwest this fall and our middle is also in the mid-west at a LAC…we have no ties to the midwest though.

Twin 1 is staying close to home and will be attending Univ of Texas at Arlington. He’s going to be majoring in Comp Sci, they gave him the most merit scholarships, it’s a medium size campus and only 35 minutes away…he’s my easy kid lol!

Twin 2’s first choice is Trinity. We’re just hoping the financial aid comes through because Trinity is the priciest of all the schools he’s been accepted to! We’ll make the decision after Feb 1 when the full package is released. His merit scholarship from Trinity wasn’t as much as we were hoping for.

Did you hear today about financial aid? D23 didn’t receive any but I was thinking of you and hoping Twin 2 did!

Yes, just looked over it. $3000 grant…that’s it. Nowhere near what Southwestern is giving him. The real kicker though is he got accepted to UT Austin on Monday lol. Came totally out of left field, as being just shy of auto admit, we were all expecting CAP. Now he’s really confused. Trinity doesn’t look like it’s going to work out financially, so now does he want the small LAC and commit to Southwestern or does he want the large public flagship with all the sports and rah rah and decide between A&M and UT?!?

Oh, I’m sorry to hear that but so great about UT :slight_smile: Trinity is the most expensive of my daughter’s final three choices. We’ve said no to Baylor and she thinks Southwestern is just a little too small (but I loved it!) so Trinity is the last in Texas. She’s going to the Tiger day in March and if she still loves it I guess we have hard discussions to have. Best of luck to your son!


Our DD received some FA but it still makes Trinity pretty pricey. But, I think it will still be a good fit…but we haven’t visited. @Momof3B we have a similar situation, my dd was completely unexpectedly accepted to UNC OOS. She has shown no desire for a big school but seemed excited about UNC but OOS is pricey too. @Izzy74 please share your thoughts after Tiger day. What schools is she considering out of state?


D23 is down to Trinity, Hope College, and Butler. This week she’s leaning towards Butler. I’d prefer Hope or Trinity but I like Butler too so we’ll go with wherever she decides!

I saw that you’re on the Furman thread as well :slight_smile: D23 I think has decided against Furman but it was another of my favorites!

Yes! Trinity and Furman are the two colleges we have never visited! That is great that your daughter is narrowing down choices…I feel we are going in the opposite direction…she was sure about 2 weeks ago and now is spinning again… I had signed us up for tours for her break in March at Furman and Trinity but she just reminded me we got tickets for a concert during those dates so I think we will move a trip to April…which seems like cutting it close. She is still waiting on schools. I decided I am not going to mention schools, or ask questions at all for February. Just let things naturally percolate in her mind.

Both schools are beautiful and I loved them both. We’re from the west coast so I think Texas was a little more familiar than South Carolina for my daughter. She’s heard from all her schools now so after we visit Trinity again in March I’m hoping she’ll make a decision! Good luck to your daughter, lots of great choices!

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We just visited Trinity for Tower Scholars Day. My tour guide was an international student. He mentioned how a group of students went to the dining hall and asked them to source halal meat and they did so. He said how Trinity is welcoming to all students.


That’s great to hear!

Hey there!
My daughter is a first year at Trinity and she heavily considered Southwestern (I also graduated from SU). Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

Hey there!
I also live in the DFW area and my daughter is a first year at Trinity. She also looked heavily at Southwestern (I graduated from there). Please reach out if you have any questions! Happy to help!

Hi my son is a second year at TU. We live in Houston but he rarely comes home. I wish he wanted me to visit more because SA is a fun city with great touristy area called the River Walk. The student body is very diverse, lots of kids on student visa’s from other countries. The campus is in a really nice area of San Antonio, a kind of upscale quirky/historic vibe. There is also a very active parent facebook group that you could join to ask questions or get more “behind the scenes” information. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

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Thank you! Can you join as a perspective parent? I would love to join if possible. This is truly one of my daughter’s first choices. We just need to make the financials work.

Anyone else waiting for Towers Scholars decisions? Apparently they were released a week ago and my child missed the notification. My child did not get the scholarship :cry: