Triples: "2 vs. 1" experience, and should I switch to double?

<p>When I did my housing app for UF, I put triple as 1st choice and double as 2nd. (I even made a thread a month or two ago asking which one I should pick). On some other people's threads, I noticed comments about people in triples having the experience of "two vs. one" where two roomates either become BFF"s and leave the 3rd one out, or get annoyed by the 3rd one, etc. How likely is that to happen in a triple? Provided that I am not overly loud, annoying, slobbish, Monkish, inconsiderate with sexiles, etc. I'm just a little bit quirky, but not in a bad/nerdy way because I do have many friends. I"m extroverted and laid back, and wouldn't mind messy floors/sexiles as long as the roomates aren't gross, unhygenic, judgmental or rude.
I"d like to hear stories of people who have had both good and bad triple experiences, if possible. I'm wondering if I should leave it, or switch double to 1st priority (not sure if that's an option, I will have to check the UF site and see when the deadline is, I'm sure it's soon if not passed)</p>


<p>It’s tough to say without knowledge of who your roommates are. It could be quite a bit of fun, or it could be crappy. I was in a triple freshman year, and one of the roommates was cool, and the other was not good. But on the other hand, I got to pick my roommates for a triple the following year, and we had a great time. The chance for the bad experience is greater when you’re coming in without any prior knowledge of the people you’ll be living with. If you get contact info of your roomies from the school, call them and get to know them a little bit before you all move onto campus.</p>

<p>ok, thanks! i’ll find out who she/they is/are on June 30th, so I"ll look up them/her on facebook and maybe get their number or something.</p>

<p>how was the bad roomate not good?</p>

<p>He had never shared a room before, so he played his music too loud, borrowed stuff without asking, starting having a girlfriend sleep over on weeknights and fooling around with her while both other roommates were in the room, etc. etc. etc. Me and the other guy lived together the following year as well though, so I guess 50/50 is decent luck for a random roommate draw.</p>

<p>ok thanks. I’m not like that…I don’t think there’s any reason that my roomates would hate me. Unless they are the overly conforming/judgmental types but most people, it seems, are past that in college.</p>

<p>It really just depends on the people. I know people in triples who are all really great friends and I know people in triples who couldn’t wait to get detripled (it was a temporary triple) so that the roommate they didn’t like could move out.</p>

<p>but in cases of the latter, the 3rd roomate is rude/slobby/inconsiderate/annoying/etc, right?
I wouldn’t mind having one kickass roomate and one annoying one (provided she isn’t TOO bad), as long as <em>I</em> wasn’t the unliked one</p>

<p>Judging by your username, I’ll assume you’re a girl. The history of multiple girls living together in peace is far and few in between.</p>

<p>However, a perk is that because there’s two other roommates, the likelihood of having those awkward silences is reduced somewhat; and they could end up being your new best friends for all you know.</p>

<p>When I did the Disney College Program, I had five other (female) roommates and we all formed into little groups and ganged up on each other. It was Hellish.</p>

<p>What do you gain by having a triple? Are you saving a substantial amount on dorm costs? You might want to weigh the pros and cons on both sides and see which turns in your favor.</p>

<p>Hey i’m trying to decide if i should do a triple with two other girls for next year! They both seem really cool and we seem to have a lot in common and be considerate. do you think it would be good to do this freshman year? I think it could be the fun room on the hall and a good way to meet more people because you have an extended network you know? </p>

<p>Thoughts… :)</p>

<p>Triple Pros and Cons</p>

More fun if everyone gets along
More likely I’ll become friends with at least one of them, since there are more to befriend
Less awkward silences
Less expensive (although not by too much)
More people to go to eat with, go to the gym with, etc</p>

Possibility of 2 vs 1 scenario
More small annoyances</p>

<p>2 vs 1 is the one thing on the platter - that is, the one thing making me wonder if I should reconsider. Little annoyances wouldn’t bother me, and if we all got along for the most part then I think 2 roomates would be more fun. When I was little I was always the kid having sleepover parties with 12 girls lol.</p>