<p>Does anyone have the 6th edition of Introduction to Java by Daniel Liang?
If so, could you please let me know how many pages there are in your copy? It is advertised to have 1328 pages, but my copy only has 1301, so I was wondering if something was off or missing.</p>
<p>Check that out on half.com</p>
<p>I like books from the pragmatic programmers and Michael Main.</p>
<p>Ok, now I am even more confused. I thought my book was missing pages, but the info on half.com (thank you rytis) states 1301 pages, yet the description on amazon and on the publisher's website say 1328. </p>
<li>Can someone who has the book confirm? Perhaps there is more than one version for the 6th edition?</li>
<p>try counting the blank pages in the front and the back of the book and the ones with roman numerals (ie the Preface, intro TOC etc.) and see if there are 27 of them... just a thought.</p>
<p>Nice observation, I counted and there were only 26 such pages.</p>
<p>Count again lol...</p>