Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

I have had a TTP thread for the last few years, the most recent got closed, so starting it up again with results coming out…

For those who got TTP in their denial letter - it is not offered to everyone. Some people think it is for legacies, but it goes well beyond that. It is often for great students that they just don’t have room for, particularly in certain majors. As space opens up after that first year, they are able to fill it with very well qualified transfers who they know are very likely to attend. So in a sense, you are “denied” this year but encouraged to apply next year as a transfer. You have a very good chance of being accepted (almost a guarantee so I wish they would make it one) as a sophomore transfer if you have a good gpa and take the right classes. You can attend a CC, a state school or any 4 year university for your first year. You can do study abroad through universities that USC partners with. They have more articulation agreements (a list of courses that are acceptable at USC from another school) available from CC and state schools, but there are plenty from 4 year universities as well, and it is completely acceptable to come from any 4 year. Obviously you may attend your 4 year and decide you want to stay, and say heck with the TTP. If you decide to go for USC as a sophomore TTP applicant, you will need to apply as a transfer applicant before February 1st during freshman year (back to the common app again, weeeee).

How does this differ from a regular transfer applicant? The difference - you are given the opportunity to meet with a USC advisor in June or July BEFORE freshman year to make sure you understand what is best for you to take during that first year at your other college - you find out what looks best to increase your transfer chances. They do not go over specific courses at your college, but just an idea what fits into their GEs, and what is good to get over with and bring to USC. They do not offer this consult to “regular” transfer applicants. It may be a way for them to meet you as well, but it is more to go over stuff with you. Apparently, if you meet a 3.7-3.8 recommended gpa first year and get the credits you need (30), you are almost guaranteed a spot. Note almost. It means you may have an edge over those applying as a transfer without TTP. Nothing is ever guaranteed in college admissions till you get your packet!

You plan on attending another school first. Then you can pursue the TTP by expressing interest and signing up for meeting in summer. Then go to your other school. If it is a CC (2 year), you can work really hard to make the transfer happen. If it is a big 4 year school, I would embrace it, commit to it, and give it a chance. If you don’t love it after first semester, you can apply by February 1st for the transfer as a TTP applicant. If you have adjusted, love your new school and forgot about USC - then just don’t apply. It’s that simple.

Personal thoughts - for those that are 100% committed to graduate from USC it can work out and let you still have your dream, and even save a good amount of money (if you go to a cc for a year for example), or study abroad. Some kids feel if they didn’t want me the first time, I don’t want them later. For others, it’s not a bad back up plan - you can go to another school and if you don’t like it, go for this. For some, it can turn it into a hostage acceptance and because they hang in limbo for a year while trying to meld with the other school and don’t because they still dream of USC. How you treat it is up to you. I would strongly think about whether you really want to change plans or give up another great 4 year college and the freshman experience you could have on a maybe from USC. It is stressful all over again. They go through the acceptance cycle again in the spring. Frankly, I wish they were guaranteed with a GPA, or even a date of acceptance, the stress is unnecessary. Some advisors will be positive and reassuring, others will treat them like they are lucky to even be in this pool and tell them it’s not guaranteed over and over. Not a fan of that.

Point is, some will say heck yes, and some will say, heck no, it is an individual choice. Biggest thing to keep in mind is it doesn’t matter if you are coming from a 2 or 4 year. So don’t feel like you have to attend a cc or state school, or something other than you intend currently, to make USC happy. It doesn’t matter. Make yourself happy. GPA and the correct classes (and re correct classes, still less so compared with regular transfers) are what matter for the Trojan Transfer Plan.


Just bumping to let you know this info is here with results coming out today.

My d got the TTP offer with her rejection today. We are in the Netherlands. Can she also transfer from a Dutch university, or would she have to go to a community college in the US?

She can absolutely go to a Dutch university. The key is having good communication with your advisor and knowing what is best to take for her major. Some are great and personable, others are meh, so hopefully you get a good one. She should plan on going to the school she wants and if she decides, she applies again (ugh) during the next common app cycle, before Feb 1. Then she finds out when transfers find out, usually April-May.

One issue is some schools have a pathway, say in engineering, that has to be followed - so someone doing TTP would just take what the current university wants and roll the dice. A student can’t change their entire academic plans for TTP as it is not guaranteed. But if schedule has flexibility (like the liberal art type majors), or other science majors that aren’t so defined, then they can gear their classes more toward USC.

Is TTP guaranteed to legacy students? Do at least most legacy applicants with decent stats get it?

@CADREAMIN it appears that the major isn’t guaranteed although acceptance is strongly guaranteed…am I correct? I guess we can find out during the meeting in June w USC.

Also, have you heard of any TTP kids bumped up to spring admit late?

TTP is not guaranteed to legacy (even with good stats), nor is it just for legacy. Kids with high stats and no legacy get offered TTP as well. This helps fill holes the next year with high stat kids.

Thanks, CADREAMIN! My d only had one choice for major on her application: SCA, production. This possibility to still get into USC is totally new for us. There is very little time left to apply to other colleges (Netherlands or US). What would you advise?

@Whiskey6920 If you take the right classes for your major and get a 3.7-3.8gpa, it is almost a guarantee, but it is never guaranteed (which I think is wrong). It should be a guaranteed transfer program, but not all TTPs are accepted.

The major shouldn’t be an issue - they assume you are going into the major student applied to, but that student does have to take the right classes (with good grades) to get into it.

For Leventhal School of Accounting students come in through Marshall School of Business, so your student would be coming into Marshall first…After being admitted to the Marshall School of Business and completing the LSOA requirements, they can change their major to Accounting.

Ah it was you asking about accounting right? I am replying to tons of posts and PMs so may be confused! Hope not!

@CADREAMIN, thanks for all your help…yes, he is accounting…

when you say “but not all TTPs are accepted”, it isn’t a guarantee then even with meeting the GPA requirement?

Hi @CADREAMIN I was just wondering if it was still possible to transfer even if you were not offered the trojan transfer plan? Of course it will be harder but is it still possible?

A usc admissions counselor a couple of years ago said that all legacies are offered TTP

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@Whiskey6920 No it is not guaranteed. They tell you it is close, and it is likely certain, but no, it is not like Cornell where it is actually a guaranteed transfer program if you meet “x” criteria.

I asked the usc admission office through phone call and instagram and they said they offer it to all freshman Scions


@123daehrs Of course it is! And some do as sophomores, others as juniors. One of the busiest threads on the USC forum is the transfer thread, there is one every year, a current one is going and waiting for their results in the next month or so. I suggest reading that over (or older ones even) and the USC website lays out EVERYTHING for a successful transfer, so go through the Transfer Guide and anything you can on line if interested.

@CADREAMIN, as a USC alum I really would like my S to attend the school through TTP. However, given his laid back demeanor I know for a fact that he will not want to transfer to USC after a year at UMD College Park, where he was admitted into the accounting program at the Robert H Smith School of Business & was designated a College Park Scholar. Which is okay since it will save me a ton of money.

My S will attend UMD & have the flexibility to apply to USC for 2021. This seems to be the best option.

Also, as you & others have mentioned, the college experience/path belongs to our kids & not parents and they will do great whichever school they attend. It isn’t the school that defines you, its what you do there.

Thanks again for all your help…

Is everyone who was rejected offered the TTP? And since I didn’t get in this year for SCA can I transfer into USC for this specific school? If anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate it :smile:

@CADREAMIN ^ If you could help me out that would be great!

That sounds like a great plan - so level-headed and not full of angst. I have a love/hate with TTP, and I think transferring can be very disruptive to their mojo, unless of course, they just really want/need to go to the other school or it’s in their plans anyway. In TTP, USC is arranging those plans to fit them. For those that only want to graduate from USC it is fab. But if it’s not the “everything” school to a student & family, there are other wonderful options. In your scenario, he is using it as a solid back up plan should he need it. One of my recent grads just passed the last test and got his CPA, that was fun (not). But it’s done! Good luck to you and yours!

Not all legacies are offered TTP, as I can attest. My legacy son was just rejected. I’m not sure why admissions is saying that but we will be reaching out to them to clarify.