Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Congrats to everyone who was offered TTP! I have a question about financial aid. Will USC still send out unofficial financial aid packages for those who are offered TTP?
Also, how hard is it to transfer into Marshall coming from TTP?

Yes as long as you fulfill most of the USC GE requirements and a Writing requirement during your UC freshman year. Make sure you check (with the USC counselor) the USC articulaion agreement with the UC’s for transferable courses. Also, you should have at least approximately a 3.7+ GPA. S, who met all the requiremens a couple of years ago at a UC, is now a thriving USC junior.

I called USC Undergraduate Admissions, and was told that this was like the Marshall Pathways Program. It is a department-specific program, and basically the same as TTP. It seems the only difference is that it will only “implicitly guarantee” admission to that specific school.

Any thoughts on this? The person I spoke with knew about it, but not detailed specifics. Anyone had anything similar to this through the Marshall Pathways Program?

@CADREAMIN Is it much more difficult to use TTP if I want to go into SCA for film and production? What should I do to prepare myself to make sure I have a decent shot of being accepted?

No it’s not more difficult, if you were offered TTP they are asking you to come back and apply to the program you originally applied to. You will talk to an advisor at USC who can give you things to do, but that is after you have committed elsewhere. You may want to make your decision independent of the TTP, where others will make their decision based on it. Do you know where you want to go?

@CADREAMIN I am planning on either attending UCSC or CSLB if I don’t get off of the waitlist for LMU which was my top school after USC.

Hi I would really appreciate it someone could give me advice or share their experience with the USC Trojan Transfer Plan. I would really like to attend a UC first and then go to USC, but I have also heard that USC really recommends going to a CC first. Did anyone attend or heard anyone who attended a UC first and then successfully transferred into USC? I am so lost right now :(, so any type of advice would be really helpful, thanks!

Hey guys! I could use some advice. I am not a legacy, but I have been very dedicated and devoted to USC all through high school- I am assuming this is why I was given the TTP. I appealed my decision as a back up, but the more I research, I realize that the Study Abroad option (which I am pursuing) is very exciting to me and I am almost pleased that i was given this option to Study Abroad over direct admission Freshman Year. Does anyone know what would happen in the unlikely scenario that my appeal gets accepted, but I already put down money for the TTP Study Abroad Option? USC is the goal no matter what, of course, I just am also slightly nervous about losing out on money. Hopefully this makes sense.


YES! You can attend a UC or any 4 year college for TTP. The reason they “recommend” a community college is they can’t really be encouraging people to start at a 4 year knowing they are leaving. Other universities would think that is very un-cool. It is just managing relationships kind of thing with other schools. If you really want to start at a 4 year, don’t give up a 4 year for a maybe, even if it is a highly likely maybe. You can get to USC just as easily from a 4 year as a cc.

YOU CAN GO TO A UC OR ANY 4 YEAR. Plenty of people have and do.

ok thank you so much!

Will USC send out more information regarding TTP? because the info on the portal is rather vague and brief right now.

@smolbaozi : There should be instructions to make an appointment to meet with a USC counselor during the month of June. The counselor will lay out a suggestion plan of what courses to take, the GPA to maintain and give you a copy of an articulation agreement of UC courses transferable to USC. Maybe with the COVIT 19, things are handled different this year regarding a meeting. @CADREAMIN might know.

I also posted this earlier: my S took and fulfilled only USC GE requirements and a Writing requirement during his UC freshman year. He met the required 3.7+ UC GPA and transferred in his sophomore year. Many of the UC GE requirements were similar to USC’s and it was not a waste of time to take USC transferable requirements. The trick was converting quarter units to semestor units. It was sad when he left many UC friends. However, he made many new friends in his USC sophomore yearby meeting people at the USC housing, clubs, classes, volunteer work and other outside activities.

@UCBUSCalum: Thank you for your reply! On the USC portal, they said to come back in May to make an appointment, but I have also heard that they will send out another email soon for more specific information, is this true? Please let me know, thanks!

The TTP is a wonderful experience. Both my kids got the TTP and loved the year they spent in Europe. One went to Franklin (Switzerland), the other to American University of Paris (Paris).

Here’s a bit of their experience. They are both academically very good schools. The day-to-day environments are entirely different. Being in Europe, means exploring can be done easily on weekends and holidays. At Franklin each semester there is a two week travel component that is built into the curriculum, in which the student lives or travels in or through a different part of Europe/the world as part of a class.

Both colleges have excellent, creative, thoughtful and helpful faculty and students. The classes are small and the teachers know you well and are generally helpful. They are both warm and caring environments.

Like any learning experience, if you’re motivated, you’ll do well. USC tries its best in the initial meeting with the advisor to guide the student with a tailor fit course of instruction. Both of my kids got a rough idea of direction from their USC advisor and USC materials, and picked their courses before leaving, and once at the schools in Europe, they fine tuned their courses. It’s easy to do, so you don’t need to think you have to choose perfectly at the outset. My first one fretted if he was doing the right thing with his courses. When he got there, he realized that it’s ok to make adjustments. There is also an advisor at each school who is familiar with the TTP to help. Both my kids were academically enriched at both schools. It’s work though. Both kids felt pressure that they put on themselves, because of the TTP requirements, and their peers did too at the beginning. After a few weeks of their feet on the ground, they were confident with themselves, the coursework, and knew what they had to do. Their GPAs benefited from the focus. They had plenty of fun, and both succeeded, but amazingly, being in the TTP focused them on academics, while having the benefits of a year in Europe. My daughter hardly traveled at all (being in Paris she didn’t feel the need) in the first semester, because she was so focused on academics, and Paris is pretty much all she needed, all anybody needs for the first months. After her first semester grades came out, she took more time on weekends away from Paris.

The environments are completely different. American University of Paris is a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower. There is an exclusive agent for housing, Blue Stripe, which AUofP requires all students to use. There are no dorms. You live in a Paris apartment like any other Parisian. It’s not a problem. It’s an enriching experience. She was truly living as a Parisian, getting groceries, housewares, having French neighbors in her building. As for the housing options with Blue Stripe, being close to campus is more costly, but worth it. Walking distance to classes, and the neighborhood is delightful to walk around and easy to get to the rest of Paris. My daughter opted for that and a single. She got the location, but not the single. It turned out to be a happy thing for her to have roommates. All of the roommates were in the TTP, and it meant an instant peer group for her. A big bonus, because AUofP does not have dorms, that group became her main social group. She’s a social animal and that worked out better for her than being in a single.

Franklin is entirely different. One of the most beautiful settings one can imagine. Lugano is lovely in pictures. It’s 10 times more beautiful in person. At Franklin, every student must live in university housing, and the entire setting is compact in the hills above the lake. The air is mountain fresh. My son’s dorm had a vineyard in back of it. It is intimate. There are TTP kids and an instant social network, because everyone is together all the time. At Franklin having a single is a good thing, though certainly not necessary.

For both of my kids, who socialize easily, they made friends who shared common cause (the TTP) and experiences (living and traveling in new places) and so formed deep friendships. Many of the USC oriented kids and those from other USA universities who were their classmates have similar interests in adventuring while in Europe, so it’s easy and fun to have traveling companions anywhere on the European compass. By nature, the people in these programs have adventurous spirits. Everyone is exploring at the same time. There is a sense of shared work and fun. The work is real, and should not be taken lightly. The rewards for both my kids were numerous, many of which I will never know.


@smolbaozi : Sorry, with the COVIT 19 lockdown going on, I do not know how the USC counselors will handle the initial meetngs with the TTP students? Maybe Webex or on line? Maybe @CADREAMIN knows or has an idea?

My son was offered TTP. My D is a sophomore and works in the admissions center as a student ambassador/tour guide. She is still having staff meetings. I don’t believe she has been told anything specifically about TTP but she thinks the initial meetings will be done remotely.

In our experience, the student had the choice of in person or online meetings, since people who get the TTP are dispersed far and wide. My son went in person. My daughter remotely. It was the exact same for both of them.

My daughter got TTP and is very excited, USC was her reach and dream school so she is thrilled. She would prefer to be in Europe, if she applies to a school abroad but Covid-19 is still rampant, would they allow her to do a community college and then one semester abroad? Has there been any discussion about that?

Hi! I just received the email specifically about TTP today. As I have previously mentioned, I plan to go to a UC first and in the email, they said: “If you plan to transfer away from a four-year college or university, you should enroll in the extension program, or in visiting-student status”. Does anyone know what this means? thanks in advance!

Hi I have a question about cal grant. How is cal grant going to work if I was offered TTP? Does anyone know? Thanks!