Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

EDIT TO MY COMMENT: I thought about it and my previous comment is pretty silly. USC is the goal of course and if my Appeal gets accepted, that would be a BLESSING, and totally worth a financial loss of a small deposit to a study abroad university. Praying it goes through ? If not, however, TTP will still be a wonderful option.:heart:?

Hi! Did USC send out an email for TTP applicants to schedule an appointment yet? I still haven’t heard back, but my friend who is in the Viterbi Program did…pls let me know, thanks!

@smolbaozi hi! I just called the admissions office this morning and they have not sent the email out about further information about scheduling an appointment. They are also still unsure about the impact that coronavirus will have on the international trips to AUP, John Cabot University, and the other programs partnering with USC. It is tentatively still open.

Congrats on your acceptance to TTP!

@CADREAMIN Do you know if there is any Facebook group chat or any other kind of group chat where we can talk with others considering the TTP?

Did anyone else’s TTP box in the corner of their portal disappear in the past hour? Not sure why mine did…

Yes, it did @WCWSM52

@augusata did you appeal?

@WCWSM52 No, i did not.

Everyone, the TTP appointments can now be set up through the portal :slight_smile:

@augusata there’s a facebook page where you can find a groupme for TTPs :smile:
there’s also an instagram page where people have posted bios and their TTP plans: @usc2024ttp

@augusata what are ttp appointments. I have had 4 different advisors in one year and have not received any communication

Hi guys, if I’m a business major for Marshalls, is there a class that we have to take for that major? My counselor wasn’t clear on that and I have to start registering for classes tomorrow. Please help! Thanks!

There’s lots of classes…Not sure what grade you are coming into but for business majors it is good to get the math and Econ classes done. They are part of a chain of pre-reqs for other bus classes so good to get them finished sooner than later.

@CADREAMIN I’m talking about the classes that we have to take a a business major for TTP before coming into USC. Like BUSINESS: ACCOUNTING. Thank you

@Pinkeydance Oh sorry, here ya go, also, check the USC website for info, they have lots there on the transfer process. Good luck!

Transferring these courses assists with admission consideration and degree progress. Transfer candidates must complete the following equivalent courses for admissions consideration:

WRIT 150 (English Composition 2, also a University requirement)
MATH 118 or MATH 125 (Calculus)
The following suggested transferable courses are optional (not all courses taken elsewhere will transfer to USC). Completion will advance University matriculation.

Accounting 1 and Accounting 2 (Transferable accounting sequence will replace one business core accounting class)
(BUAD 280 and 281 are replaced with BUAD 305)
General Education Categories
With the recommended transfer preparation, admitted students will complete these remaining courses at USC:

ECON 351 and ECON 352
WRIT 340
(GE) Requirements
Business Core classes and three, upper-division, Marshall electives
Please be aware that all business core and elective courses must be taken in residence. Business courses taken at other institutions will not satisfy the USC Marshall matriculation requirement.

@CADREAMIN Sorry for some reason I couldn’t log in, but thank you very much for the info!

Hi, I know this might sound like a very dumb question, but my friend is wondering if he can change his major if he was admitted? He doesn’t know if he should stay as his current major or change it to something else. He said he doesn’t really see himself doing a job that’s related to his current major and wanted me to ask (or more like he doesn’t trust me).

@CADREAMIN Sorry, but do you know if my friend can change his major just in case he wants to change it?

Yes, changing majors is relatively simple at USC, but it also depends on what major to what major in terms of how easy (or not) it is. If same school, eazy peezy. If different schools, there can be some hoops to go through before you can switch. My D changed majors many times in several different schools within USC before she found exactly what she wanted to be doing.

@CADREAMIN He’s thinking about SCA, but I feel like it’s very hard for him to get into that since that’s a different school.