Trouble With Registering For Spring Semester Classes?

<p>I've set up a schedule that works for me, but am having a significant amount of trouble actually putting it to print because it tells me that "I do not have a valid appointment at this time" or that "my appointment date/time have not yet been reached." </p>

<p>What do I do? I want to make sure I get these classes now so I don't get locked out. Thanks!</p>

<p>Are you a freshman or sophomore? My son is freshman and received an email telling him his registration date and time is posted on My UW. His registration slot is not until next week, with freshman registering last in line after the upperclass students. </p>

<p>If you are trying to register before your official time slot, then presumably, it won’t take your attempt to register. You can save your schedule etc in My UW and then wait for your designated enrollment time.</p>

<p>If it is more complicated, and I am missing something, sorry that I didn’t understand your predicament. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Oh, I see. I can’t register until the 27th. Alright, thanks.</p>