Trustee and Presidential Scholarship

The Trustee and Presidential scholarship recipients were notified today at 5pm EST. Check your student portal for updates. Departmental merit - based scholarships will be announced mid-February. Good luck everyone!

DS awarded Presidential. Grateful indeed.

DS got presidential, we are grateful too as I hear getting anything is tough.

Our son got a presidential scholarship, too. Very happy, since we know how hard it is to get academic money from Purdue when you’re OOS.

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Where do you see this information? Under my Purdue?

It’s in the student portal account. Check under your status tab.

Son had an email in the application portal

I guess I’m confused about myPurdue account or the application status account & my son is not reachable right now.

@5Dis It was on the original application tracker that we’ve used since the day we applied to Purdue (where you checked your status after submitting app materials). There is a graphic on the right side of the page that says “letters and documents,” and that’s where the scholarship letter was. My son also got an email, if that helps. Good luck!

Thanks. Congratulations to all recipients!!
We were really hoping for some merit scholarship so a bit disappointed.
Has anyone received Trustee scholarship? I think I’ve only seen people posting about Presidential.
What is everyone majoring in and stats?

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My son received a Trustee Scholarship yesterday! To say were shocked would be an understatement. We had just returned from our visit to Purdue and were thoroughly impressed with the campus and all the presentations. We know that merit scholarships there are tough to come by so we are extremely grateful since we are OOS. He is in the Polytechnic College/Construction Management. Stats: 4.0 GPA/31 ACT/several 5’s on AP tests/Honors curriculum/1st team all state football/lots of leadership orgs and extracurriculars. He had been offered several (“full ride”) football scholarships prior to a season ending knee injury in game 2 this year which required surgery and months of extensive physical therapy. He decided to forego college ball and concentrate on academics which eventually led him to Purdue. The news yesterday was a true blessing for him and our family.

Got the Trustee Scholarship! Congrats to everyone.

Nothing for my son. So conflicted. Purdue engineering is his first choice but it’s going to be so difficult to afford that OOS. U of Minnesota is high on the list and he received good money from them. And also considering Arizona State which would be free as they have a very strong honors program. It’s depressing to walk away from such an amazing school like Purdue. Not sure what to do.

@meltimnkids - My son has also been waiting for U of Minnesota’s award notification. How and when did your son receive his from there? Thanks for any information.

He received an award letter for National Merit (assuming finalist). I believe a more complete award letter should be coming - I believe that’s sometime in March.

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My daughter received a $5000 Presidential scholarship. We are grateful, but it probably won’t be enough as we are OOS. She had a 4.0 UW, 4.8 weighted GPA, 1560 SAT. Like other kids lots of APs, ECs and leadership, volunteer hours. She applied to the Dept. of Statistics in the School of Science. The only thing I can think of is that she was competing against lots of other VERY high stat kids(CS is in School of Science). My guess is they have to distribute the scholarships evenly across the entire University, therefore kids with lower stats in less competitive majors will be getting scholarships as well. It is what it is.

Congrats everyone!!! Purdue only disburses approximately 100 Trustee and 830 Presidential scholarships.

Is filling out FAFSA a pre requisite for receiving Presidential/Trustee scholarship?

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@ashto12 No, applicants were reviewed for these scholarships if they submitted a completed application by November 1st.

My son is quite disappointed as he has received no aid from Purdue. Purdue has always been his “safety” school and his older sister is due to graduate from Purdue in May. He is in state FYE and has good stats (1540, 34 ACT with a couple of 36s, 3.92 UW, 4.43 WGPA, lots of APs, etc.). He is a NMS Semi-finalist (Finalist pending) and has several OOS full -rides (over $1 million in awarded merit aid so far). Even though Purdue is our state school, it will likely be his most expensive public option. We had the same issue with his older sister, much cheaper to go OOS!