<p>Just looking for opinions. I'm from the east coast, got offered an interview for the presidential scholarship. I really like USC, but the only way I'd go is if they offered me the full Trustee Scholarship. I will be going on Explore USC, but I was just wondering if there was any way to get bumped up to the Trustee level. Should I call and ask? Has this been done before? </p>
<p>In order to get bumped up, you have to do extraordinarily well in your interview. Strongly express your passions in life, and how much you want to go to USC. Good luck.</p>
<p>My H, who’s on the math faculty, is participating on the interview panels this year and interviewed four scholarship candidates this morning. Although the candidates are initially screened by admissions to interview for a certain level of scholarship (full tuition, half or one quarter tutition), the interview panel can recommend a candidate be bumped up a level. The interview panels are made up of a faculty member, a member from the admissions’ staff, and a previous student scholarship recipient. I believe they try to select the faculty member in an area roughly related to the student’s interest, since my H said all the students he was interviewing expressed interest in a science related area.</p>
<p>Hopefully you will get bumped up to Trustee. If not, be happy with the Presidential scholarship and apply for financial aid if you need more money to go to USC.</p>
<p>Keep in mind that being “bumped up,” while it does happen, is pretty rare. Don’t feel rejected or unwanted if you are not bumped up! A Presidential scholarship is an honor and, as others have said, there are many other financial aid and funding opportunities available that may go along with the scholarship. Enjoy Explore!</p>