Truthfully, can I get in?

<p>Hey guys, I'm considering Geneseo for fall 2012, but I'm kind worried I might not get in because it seems very selective. </p>

<p>Sex: Male
GPA: 3.75
SAT: 1430/1600; 2100/2400
SAT II: Bio- M 650, Chem 690
Race: Black/African-American
Applying for FA: Yes.
Status: Currently I'm an International Student, however I'm moving to the US in Jan. So I guess when the ADCOM is reviewing my app I'll be listed as a domestic student.</p>


<p>• Swimming Team, 4 years:</p>

<p>........50m Freestyle
........100m Freestyle
........50m Breaststroke
........50m Backstroke</p>

<p>• Science Club, President 2 years:
.........Best Academic Club for the year 2009 – 2010</p>

<p>• Volunteer Tutor, 2 years:
............Tutored students from my High school in Information Technology and French</p>

<p>• Volunteer, University Hospital</p>

<p>............Tropical Metabolism Research Unit: While volunteering at the TMRU, I assisted the on-staff nurses in their initial screening of patients such as, checking blood pressure, height and weight measurements, general question and answer. Moreover, I would lend my time to the Pediatric ward of TMRU where I helped to take care of babies and children with severe malnutrition. When there I would assist the nurses with entertaining, feeding and cleaning the children.</p>

<p>...........Epidemiology Research Unit: While volunteering at the ERU, I acted as a research assistant to Dr. Leslie King. As her assistant, I worked in the labs as well as assisting her with data gathering and entry for her various research projects during the summer.</p>

<p>..........Sickle Cell Unit: My duties here were similar to those at the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit. I would assist nurses in the initial screening of patients and with general question and answering about the Sickle Cell Disease.</p>

<p>• Volunteer, Local Veterinary Clinic, 3 years
..........Assisted in the veterinary clinic
..........Worked with stray the animals to develop one-on-one relationships. Activities included: exercising and socializing with the animals, feeding and cleaning, etc</p>

<p>• Senior Prefect, High School Prefect Association 2010 - 2011</p>

<p>•Summer Employee, Computer Technician</p>

<p>•Varsity Tennis, 2 years</p>

<p>•Church Youth Leader, 2 years</p>

<p>•Cultural Awareness Club, 1 year</p>

<p>Currently on Gap Year, volunteering with the United Nations. In January I will begin a 6-month volunteer medical program in New York.</p>

<p>It’s not really that selective. Geneseo has few multicultural students so you’d likely get in even if your SAT scores were 400 points lower.</p>

<p>Your stats look great and you are an international student…I think you are in.</p>


<p>thanks for the support guys! I really hope i get in.</p>

<p>Does anyone know the average CR+M score for the honors program. I’m retaking the SAT in Jan to hopefully get at least 1450 (CR+M), but just in case if i don’t get that would I possibly get in with a 1430</p>

<p>You get invited to apply for the honors program…I believe the minimum SAT is 1350…</p>

<p>really! if it’s true then that would be awesome!!! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Thanks Geneseograd!!</p>

<p>Geneseo’s wonderful, I assure you, you’re qualified for the honors program but even without that perk, everyone here is incredibly warm, witty and welcoming. The campus is beautiful and the faculty are incredibly dedicated. As much as Geneseo would be lucky to have you, you’d be lucky to come here because it really is a special college. =)</p>

<p>:D thank you stayandsea! from your posts Geneseo seems like my type of school and I cant wait till I visit next year!</p>

<p>I agree with bioblade, Geneseo accepted me with an SAT score and GPA that was incredibly lower than yours. Your background and work experience is phenomenal, so I don’t think you will have any issues at all.</p>