tryin to avoid cliches

<p>ok so ive researched all around and ive read many interesting things
i am a korean/american student and it just feels so stupid to write about crazy parents or moving in to the US. other than that i can only think about drastic events such as cancer or like some disease, both of which i dont have.</p>

<p>so all im asking is for advice like if theres any other approach i can take this essay to.</p>

<p>(maybe im asking too much but i am just curious. If i am, i would gladly retreat)</p>

<p>thank you for any advice.</p>

<p>edit: crapp sorry double post</p>

<p>take your time coming up with the perfect topic. trust me, it’ll hit you and you’ll be glad you waited.</p>

<p>For good advice about writing college essays:</p>

<p>[Essays</a>, Admission Information, Undergraduate Admission, U.Va.](<a href=“]Essays”></p>