Trying to be realistic...Can I Make It?

<p>'m very ambitious and have high aspirations as to where I want to attend college/university. I need some help being realistic...
I'm a white female and attend the best public school in my area. (Needless to say, that's not saying much.) My school only offers 1-2 AP classes... I am taking the most difficult classes offered....and will receive an Academic Honors Diploma...
SAT:1900 SAT IIs: Taking W. History, U. History, & Span
Taking ACT as soon as possible.
GPA: 3.8 unweighted
Rank: 11/145</p>

<p>9th grade:
Alg 1- A/B+
Eng 9-A/A
Bio 1-A/A
Span 1-A/A
PE- A-/A-

<p>10th grade:
Eng 10- A/A
Alg 2- A/A
Driver's Ed-A
Chem 1- A/A
Span 2- A/A

<p>11th Grade:
Chem 2- A/A
Pre-Cal- B+/A-
Span 3- A/A
Psych/Sociology- A/A
Us History- A
World History-A

<p>Sr. Year:
AP Calc
Span 4
Ap Us History
English Lit/ Advanced Comp
US Government

<p>I have been very active and have many ECs as well as several leadership positions...
Dance Team (Captain 11-12)
Class President (9 & 12)
National Honor Society ( Pres. 11 & 12)
Jr. Honor Society (Pres. 10)
Key Club ( Sec. 9 & 10, VP-11, Pres-12)
Language Club (Sec. 10 & 11)
Booster Club (Pres -11)
Marching Band (10, 11, & 12)
Service Club
Miss Tree City Contestant
Big Brothers/Big Sister Mentor
Social Studies Academic Team State Finalist</p>

<p>Awards/ Honors/ Special Programs:
Key Club National Scholar
Top US History Student Award
Lugar Symposium Delegate
Indiana Girls State Delegate
Teen Power (Youths against drugs,etc.)
Page to the Indiana State House</p>

<p>....I also hold down a steady job and have quite a few service hours (Around 200)... I am hoping to study Political Science/Pre-Law...or something in International Studies...As of right now, I am very interested in Georgetown, Brown, Miami University (Safety?), or possibly some Ivys...if I have a shot... (Any other ideas on schools?).......I'm also looking for schools in more of an urban setting...</p>

<p>GPA + SAT + class rank not that special
A lot of ECs but most are fairly generic.</p>

<p>Very slim shot at the Ivies.
Georgetown is a reach.
Miami U. (Ohio?) is a match.</p>

<p>i agree with the previous posting. the ivies are a real reach along with georgetown. I would look for some other schools..</p>

<p>It's because of your SATs. Check out the average SATs for the admitted students in most ivies and ivy-level schools, and you'll see what I mean. Your GPA and rank seem pretty standard, however, but as an unhooked applicant you'd want them to be higher.</p>

<p>Georgetown BIG Reach
Brown Bigger Reach
Miami University (Safety?) More like a match.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores suck, your class rank sucks, your GPA sucks, you get Bs, I don't think you can get into any thats close to ivy league...</p>

<p>I don't agree with the previous poster... Good GPA... and two semester Bs doesn't make someone a "B Student."</p>

<p>But otherwise, yea, don't apply to the ivies. Your ECs are great, but, like someone said before me, very generic. I think ivies would be looking for some achievement in a particular area, i.e. what they call "demonstrated passion."</p>


Your SAT scores suck, your class rank sucks, your GPA sucks, you get Bs, I don't think you can get into any thats close to ivy league...


S/he shouldn't apply to the Ivy League but to say numbers "suck" is a little extreme.</p>

Your SAT scores suck, your class rank sucks, your GPA sucks, you get Bs, I don't think you can get into any thats close to ivy league...


<p>^Possibly the worst post ever</p>

<p>Class rank in top 10% does not suck, or else the rank of 10% of a lot of ivy admitted students DEFINATELY sucks, as around 10% are out of top 10%.</p>

<p>In the 2004-2005 year, 10% of the Harvard Admits were not in the top 10%, keep this in mind (though they probably had a good reason to be good candidates).</p>

<p>People get admitted to ivies with your SATs, but they are usually hooked (athletes, URMs, etc.)</p>

<p>Your SAT is high, but by ivy standard it really isn't. Keep in mind, however, that your SAT composite is roughly over the 70th percentile, so to say they sucked would be . . . not very smart.</p>

<p>People with Bs get into ivies ALL the time. Want to know what I mean? Look at average GPAs, a lot of them are not 4.0 unweighted--meaning they get Bs.
Not a lot, though. Let's look at a school about as selective as an ivy . . . how about Stanford? The average GPA was 3.9 last year. Obviously, people with a few Bs get in.</p>

<p>What I'm basically saying is that the post I've quoted is unnecessarily harsh and completely ignores the facts about ivies--I don't think you have much of a shot, but the analysis of the quoted post is atrocious, and it makes Oistrakh look like an elitist fool, which is a possibility.</p>

<p>Just my thoughts.</p>

<p>i think that if you raise ur sats 100-200pts..did something this summer relating to law or politics..continued it in the fall (congressmen internship..campaigns etc) you would have a chance at georgetown(still reach...but a very decent chance) ...get those essays good...and look at other top schools ..LACs..etc..espeically all-girl schools(near guy schools like bryn mawr - if u dont liek teh idea of only girls all the time) macalster in MN has a good internatil program and i think u could def get in</p>

<p>RAISE YOU SATS!!!! and i think u will be fine!</p>

<p>Murasaki-don't be a hypocrite</p>

<p>You call your own sat score low, but you say his is high.
I agree with the quoted post although I would have put it in more gentle terms, but it is essentially true.</p>

<p>hikaru2005--don't be an idiot.</p>

<p>I said that this score was not high by ivy standards, but high by national standards.</p>

<p>It's all relative.</p>

Your SAT is high, but by ivy standard it really isn't. Keep in mind, however, that your SAT composite is roughly over the 70th percentile, so to say they sucked would be . . . not very smart.


<p>Besides, my score is extremely high nationally but average by ivy standards--all relative.</p>

<p>And if you agree with the quoted post then all of my answers to it apply to you--for someone with a 2390 you have some serious lapses in logic.</p>

<p>You didn't take any honors classes and SAT is a bit low for ivies...</p>

<p>Why don't you take the SAT's again and possibly complete a prep course for it? With a little studying, you could definetly improve your score. It's not bad though, and it is really all relative. Would you be able to start a non-profit for something you are genuinely passionate about...just an idea.</p>

<p>what i think most people are forgetting in this thread is that the OP said that she took the hardest course load at her school.....her school offers 2 APS and she took them.....thus (whether people in this forum like it or not) she has a 'course load rank' as someone who took 20 APS at a a school with 20 i said above with higher SATS, good essays, and the internship relating to politics...i think she has a shot at top schools</p>

<p>OOH...didn't see that.</p>

<p>OP's basically set then. Just get those SATs up to ~2100 and she's good...</p>

<p>I think you're being a little bit to optimistic. The fact that she took two APs does not make up for her low class rank. Even with a 2100 SAT the Ivies will still be reach.</p>

<p>Thank you all very much for your posts! Most were very informative and greatly appreciated....Even those of you who were not exactly what one would call "tactful"....helped to open my eyes a bit. While I am well aware of my limitations, I can be a bit of an idealist......In response to my "sucky class rank" :Unfortunately, at my can take Home Ec classes and study protect their GPAs and wind up in the top 5, while the kids who actually work hard.... end up with a "low class rank"........As to the rest of the post stating how much I "suck".....I don't even need to reply. A person with your implied intelligence.....and who is apparently much more superior than an inquisitive GIRL from Indiana....should be able to come up with a much more extensive use of vocabulary....I know that even I could come up with better words than "Suck" to use. ...Otherwise THANKS!</p>

<p>One person made a dumb comment and we all called the kettle black.</p>

<p>Low class rank? You're kidding, right? Top 10%! You don't have to be a valedictorian or a salutadictorian to get into an ivy...</p>