<p>Okay...so..I'm very ambitious and have high aspirations as to where I want to attend college/university. I need some help being realistic...
I'm a white female and attend the best public school in my area. (Needless to say, that's not saying much.) My school only offers 1-2 AP classes... I am taking the most difficult classes offered....and will receive an Academic Honors Diploma...
SAT:1900 SAT IIs: Taking W. History, U. History, & Span
Taking ACT as soon as possible.
GPA: 3.8 unweighted
Rank: 11/145</p>
<p>9th grade:
Alg 1- A/B+
Eng 9-A/A
Bio 1-A/A
Span 1-A/A
PE- A-/A-
<p>10th grade:
Eng 10- A/A
Alg 2- A/A
Driver's Ed-A
Chem 1- A/A
Span 2- A/A
<p>11th Grade:
Chem 2- A/A
Pre-Cal- B+/A-
Span 3- A/A
Psych/Sociology- A/A
Us History- A
World History-A
<p>Sr. Year:
AP Calc
Span 4
Ap Us History
English Lit/ Advanced Comp
US Government
<p>I have been very active and have many ECs as well as several leadership positions...
Dance Team (Captain 11-12)
Class President (9 & 12)
National Honor Society ( Pres. 11 & 12)
Jr. Honor Society (Pres. 10)
Key Club ( Sec. 9 & 10, VP-11, Pres-12)
Language Club (Sec. 10 & 11)
Booster Club (Pres -11)
Marching Band (10, 11, & 12)
Service Club
Miss Tree City Contestant
Big Brothers/Big Sister Mentor
Social Studies Academic Team State Finalist</p>
<p>Awards/ Honors/ Special Programs:
Key Club National Scholar
Top US History Student Award
Lugar Symposium Delegate
Indiana Girls State Delegate
Teen Power (Youths against drugs,etc.)
Page to the Indiana State House</p>
<p>....I also hold down a steady job and have quite a few service hours (Around 200)... I am hoping to study Political Science/Pre-Law...or something in International Studies...As of right now, I am very interested in Georgetown, Brown, Miami University (Safety?), or possibly some Ivys...if I have a shot... (Any other ideas on schools?).......I'm also looking for schools in more of an urban setting...</p>