<p>So I am currently a senior in highschool
and I want to major in Biology, but i dont know which one to chose
there are many different kinds of bio major offered at UC Davis
and I know ALL college classes are difficult, but i wanna try to chose the easiest one
any opinions on which bio to take? please no negative comments. thanks! :]</p>
<p>Environmental Sciences
Animal Biology
Animal Science
Human Development
Nutrition Science-Community Nutrition / Nutritional Biochemistry</p>
<p>College of Biological Sciences
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Biological Sciences
Cell Biology
Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity
Exercise Biology
Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Plant Biology</p>
<p>If you’re not sure, you should either go undeclared under Biosci or just pick one. </p>
<p>first year only requires general courses, for example, General Chem (Chem2A) is REQUIRED, so is one year of a Math class(16,17,or 21) for ALL biosci majors. regardless of which biosci major you’re under, you’ll be taking similar classes as others under different majors.</p>
<p>Just be aware of the fact that you don’t have to know right away. People who “know” usually end up switching anyway… most people aren’t set until about late sophomore or early junior year. You have plenty of time to figure it out. Just come in as a bio major or whatever and you’ll be fine.</p>