Trying to decide what degree I need..... Environmental Engineering?

This is what I want to do… PROTECT THE PLANET, help create and implement better policies for natural resource conservation, help create better systems for the recycling of our products to reduce waste build up, implement more renewable energy sources throughout the world, help develop more cost efficient ways of using renewable resources and figure out what we can do to help the planet recover from our presence, and figure out exactly how our presence has effected the planet and everything on it as well.

So I’m thinking Bachelors in environmental engineering then masters in natural resource conservation. But I saw that Penn State is offering an energy engineering degree

So what I think I’m looking for is some insight from maybe someone else that wants to achieve these goals. I even thought about going into environmental law but I keep coming back to the fact that I want to be outside learning and actually helping not just arguing with people about how they should respect our home and not allow toxic waste to leak into our aquifers.

I just need a sounding board at this point. Thanks

You’ve named a list a career paths that are all pretty wildly different in terms of the training that would be desired, and all of those that are more technically-oriented would require a number of types of engineers working on them. In short, there is no right answer here. There’s a lot of money in renewal/green/[environmental-friendly buzzword] technologies right now, so nearly every industry and every flavor of engineering is in some way involved.

Also, a “masters in natural resource conservation” sounds like buzzword soup to me. There’s probably some worth in it, as schools generally won’t offer degrees that leave their graduates unemployed, but it’s certainly not an engineering degree, so I am not sure anyone here can give you much insight on that one.