<p>Hi All,
I'm new here, and as I start the college process I'm trying to understand where I should be looking and how I should be understanding my chances, and I'd love to get a little bit of wisdom from the crowd. I'm working very hard to have a healthy attitude about college, with my number one priority being going to a place where I will be happy. I generally pride myself on keeping college admissions within perspective, knowing that it is not the be-all-end-all of my existence, and not even of my academic career. That being said, I'm trying to figure out how dillusional I am about the schools I want to apply to, and would appreciate anyone's feedback on the kind of standing I'm in. Here's a bit about me, I'm happy to share more:</p>
<p>I'm a white junior boy at a prep school in New England.
I've taken the hardest classes available to me, and -- with the exception of a B+ in art -- I've had all As and A-'s in my time here.
I have a 2290 (800 cr, 720 m, 770 wr) on the SAT I and a 760 on SAT II Chem.</p>
<p>My two big passions are science (especially biology) and politics/political action. With regards to science, I've interned at a lab at an ivy league school and will be a co-author on a couple studies to be published. I'm the head of the science newspaper and I was a member of a robotics team from elementary school through this year but have had to quit because of family circumstances. In politics, I've volunteered and been a youth leader in a campaign and I am the head of my political group at school. I've started a political newspaper and worked to get people at my school more involved, including going a trip with spiritual leaders in my community to lobby for social justice in washington. </p>
<p>Outside of my big interests, I'm a three season (definitely not varsity) athlete, I had a summer job programming at a consulting firm, I do community service and went on an exchange last year with my school.</p>
<p>So that's my bio, I hope it's not too long. I want to be in an intellectually passionate school where it's still possible to have a social life, and I think my top choice is Princeton. I also really love Brown. So here comes my question. I know that those schools are reaches for most people, including me, so I can understand that. But I met with my college counselor recently, and he seemed to think that those were big reaches, and so were most of the other schools I want to apply to, including Tufts, Michigan, William and Mary, CMU, UNC, USC, Rice, and Emory. Are these really all reaches? How do I start whittling down the list to find safeties and middle-level schools? </p>
<p>I hope this isn't too long a post, and any feedback is welcome.
Thanks a ton!</p>