Trying to find classes?

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>Are you trying to use the Course Catalog to find classes and finding it difficult? GatorSchedule.Net</a> .:. Course Search lets you search through the course catalog with a very large set of criteria! Want a class thats only 2 credits and doesn't meet on Fridays? GatorSchedule lets you find that! Want an online only class that satisfies a writing requirement? GatorSchedule is there for you! Have a specific professor in mind? Of course, GatorSchedule lets you find them!</p>

<p>Check it out -- GatorSchedule.Net</a> .:. Course Search</p>

<p>Fair disclosure: I developed it, but I generate absolutely no positive revenue (technically its a money sink since I pay to host it, but thats neither here nor there ) from it. Its a useful tool that UF itself should have developed, but oh well. I only ask that if you like it you spread the word about it, and if you don't, drop a comment as to why so I can improve it.</p>

<p>Pretty cool, man. Thanks for the resource. I have it favorited and I’ll pass it on when someone need to look up classes. :)</p>

<p>Glad you found it useful… If you have any suggestions for how to improve it (outside of it being ugly… I’m well aware of that one :slight_smile: ), please drop use the suggestion link at the bottom!</p>

<p>Thanks for the link man.</p>

<p>useful useful</p>