trying to find the best college

<p>im looking for a Aero-Mechanical Engineering school, which ones are the best?</p>

<p>just wanted to point out that alot of schools do NOT have a separate
Areo program... often, it is PART of the Mechanical Engineering Department...
so be careful if you look at lists of JUST aero departments because you will miss some good programs.</p>

<p>Oh, as a side note... I have had friends who studied aero at MIT... the job market in aero is VERY fickle... they recommend majoring in Mechanical Engineering and taking aero courses as part of your mechanical engineering electives...</p>

<p>Thank you for the info... in that matter which are the best Mechanical Engineering school you would recommend?</p>

<p>Private universities with undergrad & grad programs:
MIT, Stanford, Caltech, Carnegie Mellon, Cornell, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, RPI, Rice, Duke, Columbia, Penn</p>

<p>Public universities with undergrad & grad programs:
U.C. Berkeley, U. Illinois, Georgia Tech, U. Michigan, Purdue, U. Texas,
U. Wisconsin, Texas A&M, Virginia Tech, Penn State, U. Minnesota, UCLA,
UCSD, U. Maryland, U. Washington, Ohio State, U.C. Davis</p>

<p>Liberal Arts Colleges with solid engineering (BA/BS degrees only):
Harvey Mudd, Bucknell, Swarthmore, Lafayette</p>

<p>US News says the best for aerospace are:
Georgia Tech
U Michigan

<p>Gourman Report ranking for undergrad aerospace:
Michigan AA
Illinois UC
Ohio St
Maryland CP
U Arizona
Iowa St
U Washington
Texas A&M
Georgia Tech
Penn St
Texas Austin
U Colorado Boulder
US Air Force Acad
U Missouri Rolla
U Cincinnatti
U Oklahoma
SUNY Buffalo
U Florida
U Tennessee Knoxville
Syracuse U
Virginia Tech
Notre Dame
US Naval Acad

<p>I'm biased, but remember that JPL was essentially formed by Caltech Aero graduates. </p>

<p>We don't have a specific aerospace engineering major, but the mechanical engineering option can definitely be tilted in that direction.</p>