<p>I know there's no definitive answers anyone could give me here, but I've been driving myself crazy trying to pick a major, or at least narrow my choices down to 2 or 3. I'm going to be doing pre-med, and am currently in my first year of college. I want a major that I will enjoy (and do earn a high gpa because i enjoy it) AND, be able to use as a back up plan in case med school doesn't work out and I decide I want something else. </p>
<p>My current major is english, and as much as I love literature I have come to terms with the fact that there are no promising, high paying jobs earned by majoring in English. </p>
<p>So... I have been considering something along the lines of finance/economics/business. Before I decided that I wanted to go into the medical field, owning a business was my goal. Not so much because I always wanted it, but more because I just seemed to be good at it, and finding ways to make money by buying and selling seem to come natural to me.Without so much as a GED I had worked myself up to a manager position at a small business while running my own unofficial business out of my home for about a year. I started with scrap metal and ebay/craigslist and eventually started providing my own mechanical services.While i was profiting, I learned how utterly time consuming a business is, and realized how grateful I am not to be the owner of the shop that I manage. I am a mechanic by trade, but do not want to be for my whole life. </p>
<p>That being said, I'm still interested in how "the world works" in general in relation to business and economics, and would love to one day get into investing (property, stocks, etc) as a personal interest. But perhaps turn it into a career if the medical career doesn't work out for me, for whatever reason. </p>
<p>But at the same time, I am literally interested in just about EVERYthing! I love how pre-med doesn't require a major, but I don't know how I will ever be content with one that I chose, as it seems I will always wonder if I should have gone with something else!</p>
<p>Any thoughts/opinions/suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you all :)</p>