I’m a junior in high school and I’m looking for some help putting together a college list.
My stats:
After this semester approx. 3.7 UW and 3.86 Weighted
30 on the ACT and I plan on retaking it at least once more.
2 AP classes thus far as I transferred schools and no AP classes were offered at my old school
3 AP classes next year
internship with letter of recommendation from one of the heads of the company. It was a fairly large and well respected company.
VP of a tutoring club
some community service
1 player on high school tennis team
high school tennis team captain
internship from a smaller company with letter of recommendation
What I like in a school and what I’m interested in studying:
I would like to be either a business major or a finance major.
I enjoy smaller to mid sized schools although i’m not completely opposed to bigger schools.
I would prefer the school have a liberal vibe
Hi, obssessedwcollege,
You don’t mention if you will go anywhere in the country.
I would suggest University of Puget Sound. I think your numbers would still be strong there. They have a great business program with opportunities to go to Asia as part of the curriculum. It is somewhat liberal and just outside Seattle and Tacoma.
Yes, I am open to anywhere in the country. Thank you for the suggestion, if you have any others I would love to hear them. I hadn’t thought of Puget Sound before it could be a great option
Cost constraints? Do you need FA/Merit aid?
Do you want/plan to play tennis in college?
Do schools like Babson or Bentley with a pure business focus interest you or would you like a more broad-based curriculum where you can study business/finance?
What is your home state? What is your financial situation?
I have no financial constraints and can pay full at any school. I am good enough to play tennis for small division 3 tennis schools such as babson and bentley. I am not opposed to business focused schools. My home state is California.
If you decide you want a liberal arts school environment, another one to check out is Trinity U in TX. Despite its Texas locale, it’s actually a liberal-leaning school (though middle-of-the-road-ish overall, I’d say). They have a huge endowment and a strong business program, and your stats would get you merit money from them ($17K/year, or $21K/year if you can get your gpa up to 3.75).
Their tennis teams are D-III powers (top 25 nationally) and regularly win their conference.
You will qualify for many fine schools. I would start by doing some reading/ research on your own. Some ideas…
-try running the supermatch function to the left (under find a college)
-get some college guide books (ex. Fiske, Princeton Review, Insiders Guide) and start reading.