Trying to Work Schedule, but... Geology?

<p>D and I are sitting in T-Town trying to list options in rank order for her schedule – a little more difficult than I was imagining. </p>

<p>I figured that we would not get what we were trying for, but there would be clear cut alternatives…</p>

<p>i.e, D is wanting GY101 – all say full, so her next choice is AY101, it also says full… She really needs a Natural Science this first semester, and hopefully one she can ease into college life with. Anyone took Geology 101?</p>

<p>Geology (GEO) or Geography (GY)? </p>

<p>There is currently one seat in the T/R 12:30 - 1:45 class of GEO 101. But don’t worry. Lots of seats will open up in all of those sections in the upcoming BB sessions. Same for GY sections. Those classes will have 180 students when all is said and done.</p>

<p>Astronomy (AY) is quite a bit harder than either GEO 101 or GY 101 from all reviews that I’ve read.</p>

<p>Thanks – her choices in order are GY, AY, GEO</p>

<p>Hopefully we can get into GY…</p>

<p>She is willing to compromise on time and to some degree the Prof choices – except for the one ECO 110 Honors course that seems to being avoided.</p>

<p>did you check last fall’s classes to see what their eventual sizes are? Those are 100 level classes, so more seats should open this morning.</p>

<p>Can anyone else weigh in that astronomy is more difficult than geology? Also, can you take Geo 102 instead of 101, or do they need to be taken in order? Biology for non-majors is another choice for my D.</p>


<p>I would be leery of taking Bio for non-majors unless it’s req’d. That is a tough class that the nursing students take. Unless your D is strong in bio, I’d avoid that one.</p>

<p>You can take Geo 102 before (or instead) of Geo 101. Same goes for all the other NS classes (GY, AY, BSC) except for Chemistry & Physics. For most majors you don’t need to take a NS sequence. You can mix and match to satisfy your 8 hour NS core requirement. </p>

<p>Mom2ck, things have certainly changed but even I passed BSC 108 (Bio for non majors) back in the day. From the reviews of a few of the profs, neither 108 nor 109 is THAT hard. In fact Christine Yates the prof teaching 3 of the 108 sections right now gets rave reviews. Now 114 & 116 are hard according to reviews. And BSC 215 & 216 can be challenging but those two don’t satisfy the NS requirement.</p>

<p>linnylu, I based that comment just off of reading the Prof reviews for all of the professors teaching the various NS classes. The AY profs get the lowest grades and the worst comments by far. Now of course that doesn’t mean it’s hard for everyone and I’m sure a good disciplined student would be able to handle it with ease.</p>

<p>Mom2ck, things have certainly changed but even I passed BSC 108 (Bio for non majors) back in the day. From the reviews of a few of the profs, neither 108 nor 109 is THAT hard. In fact Christine Yates the prof teaching 3 of the 108 sections right now gets rave reviews. Now 114 & 116 are hard according to reviews. And BSC 215 & 216 can be challenging but those two don’t satisfy the NS requirement.</p>

<p>I think things have changed now that Bama has a lot of nursing students who are all gunning for As. And, I don’t mean that in any kind of cut-throat, sabotaging way. I just mean that there will be a lot of kids hyper-studying for that class.</p>

<p>If the objective is simply passing (with a B- or C), then that’s one thing. It the student wants/expects an A in all/most classes, then I wouldn’t take that class.</p>

<p>We are torn about this - BSC 108 vs GEO 101. </p>

<p>Trust M2C advise completely but rate my prof does make Yates class seem very doable to get an A.</p>


<p>:) Then certainly take the class if you like. I just didn’t want a non-nursing student to feel like there’s a bunch of curve-breakers in the class. lol </p>

<p>To get into Bama nursing these days (for upper division), the average GPA is like a 3.97. Brutal!!</p>

<p>If the prof for Bio 108 seems better than the prof for Geo 101 (and the course content is more interesting), then certainly take Bio. </p>

<p>Remind me again what the desired major is?</p>

<p>Business major. Are you sure BSC 108 is a nursing class course requirement?</p>

<p>I am a business major and I am going to take GY 105 which has a very easy professor and counts for the international business requirement as well as S/B science. I can still take an international business class if I want to, but it’s good to have the option to take something else. </p>

<p>The class sounds incredibly interesting to me, it’s about economies and such of different geographical regions. </p>

<p>Also, I took Biology at a community college in high school and would not recommend it for a business major unless you have a significant interest in it or are taking a fairly light schedule. If your S/D is great at memorizing tons of flashcards she should do okay though.</p>

<p>Do what you want obviously, just some thoughts.</p>

<p>I am starting to agree BSC may not be the right class. GY 105 sounds interesting. Great that it goes towards international requirement. It doesn’t count for Natural Science though. So is it really between GEO 101 or GY 101? (For an easier natural science for a business major that is not interested in any natural science at all!)</p>

<p>There is also NEW 243 which is some type of Natural Science that counts. The people in New College are a bit “different” though. No offense intended or implied.</p>

<p>Nursing majors don’t take BSC 108. Nursing majors take BSC 215 & 216 & 242, and CH 104 & 105. And M2CK is right, they are a very competitive group.:)</p>

<p>BamaAF - did you get into GY 101? The T/TH 11:00 class is open right now and the teacher got rave reviews. </p>

<p>Switched from BSC 108 to GY101.</p>

<p>Yes – D got the class during initial registration – they opened it that morning – tks</p>