Tufts RD Class of 2024

I know it’s early, but I thought I would start a new thread for Regular Decision, class of 2024.

good luck to everyone!

Has anyone had an interview yet?

I got a text message inviting me to do a skype call but it is a little suspicious, the guy doesn’t have my skype ID and I need to initiate the call.

@Jhonny134 _ you should call the AO to see if it’s legit. You don’t want to miss the opportunity if it’s legitimate.

I got an email with a list of dates for an interview with an alumni in my area and I chose one for January 29th from 4-5.

Turns out the interview was legit so I guess I got one. She also made it seem like she had already interview other applicants this year.

I was fortunate to have an in-person interview several weeks ago since I live on the Central Coast of California. The interviewer was a senior and was home on holiday break. Obviously Tufts can’t have students/grads everywhere but it was awesome to sit across the table in a coffee shop instead of on Skype.

hey y’all. on my application portal, it says “awaiting: final transcript and grades.” does everyone have this?

@ouicava yes.

@ouicava yes, it’s at the bottom of the checklist? mine has slightly different wording: “Final Academic Report & Transcript (due 6/26/2020)”

yeah that’s what mine says. i was just wondering. thanks for the replies!

if no one has contacted me for an interview, is this a bad sign? does it mean i will never get an interview?

@ouicava i’m not sure, but interviews are optional anyways so not getting one will not affect your chances of admission :slight_smile: It’s good that you requested one though

“if no one has contacted me for an interview, is this a bad sign? does it mean i will never get an interview?”

DS was admitted RD last year and is currently a first year student at Tufts. He requested an interview, but never got one, even though we live in a region with plenty of Tufts alumni. I wouldn’t worry about it.

I am having an interview with a Tufts alum in a couple of weeks and am wondering what to expect. Could anyone who has had one provide any insight? Thank you so much

@Singing123 D had interview last week. More conversation style than question and answer. Interviewer had family legacy for generations, so not sure it was a typical interview, as he spent a lot of time talking about his and his family’s experience at Tufts. It lasted an hour and a half, mainly because it ended up being a good conversation. A couple typical questions like “why Tufts”, but that should be expected in any college interview. Overall, it was a rather relaxed environment.

@Singing123 It was definitely the most relaxed out of all of the interviews I have done. My interviewer was short on time so it didn’t last too long (maybe 50 minutes) but it was very conversational. I’d say I talked around 60% of the time and he talked around 40% of the time

Anyone know when decisions come out?

@hrwalle I have April 1 written down, but I’m not sure if the wording was “on April 1” or “by April 1”