TUFTS V. Oberlin

<p>Yes...this is perhaps the strangest comparison possible...but this is what my decision for college comes down to.</p>

<p>I am interested in Environmental Studies. I like meeting new and fascinating people. I want a campus that is socially aware and politically active.</p>

<p>So if people would be willing to share the pros and cons of both Tufts and Oberlin, or give an opinion/comparison, I would be very grateful.</p>

<p>This is also being posted in the Oberlin discussion forum.</p>


Someone that has a lot of thinking to do...</p>

<p>Oberlin is...an odd school. You obviously will have excellent academics but you'll literally be surrounded by fields of nothing with activities consisting of cow-tipping (those poor cows! I wonder how they get back up). The closest sign of civilization is far away, but that might not be such a bad thing if you like isolation. You definitely get to form close bonds with the students there. Also, when I say Oberlin is an odd school, I also mean the students are odd too. This leaves also to say that they will be new and fascinating :) </p>

<p>The Tufts pros can be found on the other threads in this forum.</p>

<p>Don't go to Oberlin. I live nearby...and even though it's an excellent school, as snuffles said, there's nothing to do. Unless..you know, you get season tickets to the Cavs....Lebron's my hero</p>

<p>You said, "I am Interested in Environmental Studies. I like meeting new and fascinating people. I want a campus that is socially aware and politically active."</p>

<p>sorry.... and with that description I think that Oberlin would be a better fit. Not taking away anything from Tufts- but from what I have heard from friends the criteria you listed matches Oberlin much more so than Tufts.</p>

<p>^ I don't know, it fits Tufts as well, and Tufts is in a far better location with more opportunities to meet people, he would be limited to the campus with Oberlin.</p>

<p>She, thank you very much. ;) I guess with this mixed crowd as well it's just going to be a matter of visiting both campuses this month and making up my mind in a way that hopefully won't just be concentrating on its location and size...</p>

<p>The advice is very appreciated from all of you thusfar. Thank you!</p>

<p>^ Heh, sorry about that. Good luck!</p>

<p>Good luck! I hope you fall in love with one of them :-D</p>