<p>Pomona has wonderful access to research/internships for it’s students. While not Boston, Los Angeles and San Francisco both have major research hospitals that serve students in the summers for internships as well as during the year. (UCLA, USC, UCSF and others), and the college helps the students get these positions.
Pomona students do very, very well with med school admissions and receive a lot of support during their four years to help them be successful.</p>
<p>[Pomona</a> College Health Sciences Program](<a href=“http://www.medsci.pomona.edu/]Pomona”>http://www.medsci.pomona.edu/) </p>
<p>One way to compare classes is to look at the options in both college catalogs. Because of the Claremont Consortium, you’ll have a lot of variety than is obvious at first because students often take courses at the other colleges–they’re right there!<br>
And I would not agree that the students are nerdier, less “iconoclastic” or less liberal at Pomona, either, but that’s also anecdotal, from the student’s I’ve met. My own kid, now at Pomona, is a little bit nerdy, if by nerdy you mean “good student,” but he was also Prom King in high school–so not too nerdy.
He spent 6 months in South Africa last year, and most of his classmates had similar semester abroad experiences, which definitely do widen one’s view. What you get at Pomona is a lot of diversity and some very interesting individuals. I think you would say the same for Tufts. In fact, I would expect that there are more similarities in the student bodies than differences- you are a prime example. You were accepted at both. </p>
<p>Also, michelle, don’t think of Pomona as isolated. It really isn’t. Los Angeles is very close. Boston is a cooler city than LA, I’ll grant you that. But you won’t feel cut off - you’re much more part of LA than not when you’re in Claremont.
And the air- my gosh, the weather is wonderful. You should have seen it this weekend! Most of the winter is clear and you can see snow on the nearby mountains. Granted, the summers, and through September, can be smoggy, but you
wouldn’t be there during the worst times. You get a smoggy September, hot October and then a gorgeous November through spring. In Boston you get a muggy September and a then a freezing cold winter that lasts from November through March!</p>
<p>It sounds like leaving the area (east coast) might be hard for you, and Tufts would certainly be close to friends and family. And Boston is a cool city , and you’d get an excellent education. Something about Pomona must appeal to you, though, or you wouldn’t be having this problem. Pomona is an amazing place with a very special and personal feeling, and also an outstanding education. Good luck with your decision.</p>