Tufts vs. USC- Premed Class of 2027

I guess you forgot the mcat and shadowing and everything else.

Most who apply don’t get in Lots of schools produce doctors, a lot try but don’t including the prestigious. And some get themselves into so much debt undergrad they can’t realistically afford to go.

Tufts is great but had you gone to your state flagship, that’s have been great too.

Rankings - and there are many - are to sell magazines. Each school looks at the student including racial status.

You’re in a great spot. That’s the point. Don’t denigrate or promote it by a fake metric - ranking.

Will more go from prestigious schools? Yes fir the same reason they got in as undergrads - as a collective group they are more accomplished. But applications will be reviewed for the student - not school - but you needn’t be worried about Tufts vs other schools.

Congrats on getting off the Tufts waitlist, @AirMetro ! Maybe you could update your other thread, so that everyone who was helping you to brainstorm back in April can see the good news.

I think you’re misinformed about the influence of “prestige” on med school admissions. While it may be harder to get into med school from an extremely low-ranked school, small differences in US News ranking (which BTW is not the final/only arbiter of institutional reputation) are meaningless in terms of influencing med school admissions outcomes (and in most other ways too). A premed from Tufts is going to be at no disadvantage whatsoever compared to a premed from USC. They’re both rigorous and highly-regarded universities. OP should have zero reservations about choosing Tufts if it’s a better fit, which it appears to be.

I hope you can be thrilled to be attending Tufts, and not dwelling on things you’ve heard about prestige based on US News’ dubious algorithm (much of which consists of polling people who have derived their opinions from… US News, lol). Tufts and USC are both excellent universities, and any preference between them should be based on individual criteria, not on the rankings game.


No, undergraduate prestige is not a factor. There are plenty of strong students who turn down prestigious schools in order to attend a good, but lower ranked school (cost, etc).

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Well done – you made the decision based on things that make sense to us generally: location/environment, vibe, and even cost to a certain extent (hey – cheaper is better, all else being equal…).

Now, go and have a blast!

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