Tuition Exchange for Fall 2023 (Class of 2027)

You can sort?!! I only saw the list of schools, no sorting…

You can search the school listing by the size of the award: ‘full tuition’ or ‘set rate’ (aka $41K) or ‘other tuition’. On the top of the Tuition Exchange page find the ‘Families’ tab and when you hover over it, a list opens. Select ‘Tuition Exchange School Search’ from the list.


A few I know that stacks: Clarkson and Syracuse stack merit on top of set rate TE. Several got this year 41K + 20K leadership award at Syracuse. Someone reported this year Emerson stacking merit on top of set rate (41K) to cover full tuition. And Simmons and DePaul offer set rate TE that comes close to covering full tuition.


I know someone who got aid stacked on TE to cover full tuition at DePauw as well.


There are several nice offers here. Congratulations! D25 is interested in Pepperdine and Marquette so it was nice to see that you received awards there. Thanks for sharing the announcement dates and your student’s stats!

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Marquette will be on my D25s list as well!

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Neither of my college bound kids will consider our home school and I dont even work on campus!

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If it helps to know, 23 received full TE somewhere and the cost would be $13k—not $5k.

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That’s what I’m trying to parse through. The next kid is a soph so I have time. Several great options right near Chicago - DePaul is the home school, Marquette and Bradley ( should cover full tuition) … I have a working list at least!


Sincere congratulations to all of you on your success and fingers crossed for the rest of us. This is my 1st post so here goes.

Help. Our D23 is our first and feel betrayed by the TE lure of working at a university for low pay that touts a huge benefit – that is not panning out for us :frowning:. Stats are not great (apparently) 1560 SAT 35 ACT 97 weighted GPA 5 APs ECF is $62K (and we’re not rich – makes me think I made a mistake on the FAFSA). She was rejected at #1 Stevens, waitlisted for acceptance at Case Western Reserve, University of Richmond, and Bucknell, and accepted at SUNY Bing, Buff and Albany. Now what do we do? All three WL schools are TE but all of the TE awards have been offered to accepted students. Will we be notified in the unlikely event that there is an opening for her both to enroll and to take advantage of the TE award by May 1? Is there anything we can do to help our situation at this point or do we just wait?

Thanks for any and all advice.

I’m sorry to hear about your student’s situation. First off, make sure your student enrolls SOMEWHERE by May 1, and the SUNY schools provide a really good value for their education. Have your D visit the campuses and pick the one that feels like the best fit, and get her excited about it.

On the other front, did Case send you an estimate of what aid it would provide if your D makes it off the waitlist? Is that the $62k you were mentioning before? If your D has a top choice among those, you can indicate in a letter of continued interest (LOCI) that the school is a top choice and that your D would attend if granted TE/sufficient financial assistance. Unfortunately, most schools are need-aware when pulling students from the waitlist. But if you reach out to the schools’ TE contacts and let them know, it might keep your daughter top of mind for them if there are any students who turn down their TE offers. But TE is usually only for those who have been accepted, and so that is certainly the first hurdle to receive TE.


I 100% agree. I have a low gpa kid who I found out thru my own research that had little chance of getting a TE award. I work at a Jesuit and even some of the FACHEX awards I was told were highly likely were rejected.

Most of my sons TE offers were at less selective schools.


Thanks for the good advice. We did sent LOCIs to all 3 waitlists (included FA, TE and Admissions). All 3 TEs were prickly at best, FA didn’t weigh in understandably and Admissions were non-committal. Oh well, our younger two were sat down and given the straight dope about attending the home school. Filled the first one’s head with visions of choice when none really existed for us - at least not at any of the schools we applied to. As they say - it will all work out.


It sounds like you have a good plan for your eldest, then. With respect to TE, you are not the only person who has mentioned the opacity of the process for employees thinking of it as a significant benefit. The TE website, though, is a bit more helpful. On its search function you can narrow your search down to see what percentage of TE applicants receive TE (and can help moderate expectations at high reach for TE schools). Also, selecting a school where one’s stats make one stand out is also a good method of getting TE.


I’m sorry. My other DD was on the TE rollercoaster ride three years ago and got multiple TE offers. This year, my DD, who is a stronger student (higher SAT, higher GPA) got offered 1 (and not at one of her top schools). I feel it is definitely getting harder, and financially (with rising costs of education), it is not necessarily the “deal” I was led to believe it was many years ago. I feel like I should have stayed in the industry and earned a higher salary and paid for their education instead of expecting to take advantage of the “benefit”.


Was your kid not interested in attending your home college?

Not at all and I do not even work on the main campus and am only there maybe 2-3 times a year. In his defense, our home school did not have his major of interest. He is my kid who really wants to experience a new place far away from home. (I think his final choice will be almost 12 hours away by car but only a 2 hr flight.


Thanks. Oh, I thought your student was accepted for TE. I’m sorry to hear they were denied. Mine was too. We found out by email a few months ago.

If you just saw the denial recently, maybe you were on a secret waitlist and they didn’t deny you all right away in case spots opened up?

Back with my son after attending Xavier University admitted students’ day and he has decided that’s where he will be attending.

About my student: 99 average, 4 or 5 APs, Class President, Eagle Scout and 3 sport Varsity Athlete. Did not submit standardized test scores. He didn’t apply to any reach schools, so it was all about trying to secure a TE scholarship. Host school only permits you to send in 10 TE applications. This is our second time using this TE benefit and while it’s not everything some people think it is, it has provided our family with good options other than our host school which is also a very good option.

Duquesne University - Full tuition less fee $43K. Notified 2/2/23

Xavier University - Full tuition less 10% admin fee $41k Notified 2/24/23

University of Dayton - Set Rate of $41K.Notified 2/24/23.

TCU - Set Rate of $41K. Notified 3/7/23

Providence College - Denied TE. Notified 3/15/23

Syracuse University - Set Rate $41K+stacked academic scholarship for $17.5K to cover Full tuition. Notified 3/24/23

Fairfield University - Set Rate of $41K Notified 3/28/23

Manhattan College - Waitlisted for TE

Loyola University Maryland - Waitlisted for TE

Sacred Heart University - Waitlisted for TE

Good luck to everyone on this journey!