Tuition increase less than expected

<p>One down and one to go. Son at an OOS public saw an 8% increase in tuition last year but we offset it by moving off campus and getting off the meal plan. I was getting ready for a similar increase this year. The school posted the estimated costs today at it was only 3% or about $600 increase. Whew what a relief........</p>

<p>Still have not seen an estimate for other sons private school but I did read they planned to increase student aid by 8% and since it is a meet full need school I am not overly concerned. I will remain nervous until I see his financial aid package though.</p>

<p>Good to see some publics not hit with a big increase for OOS.</p>

<p>My daughter’s school announced there would be no increase in housing prices (she lives off campus so that is not an issue, but she and her room mate have locked their off campus apartment in for another year at a slightly lower rate, because their 1st lease was 10 months and the next is 12 months). No news on tuition and fees yet. The last 2 years they increased 9-10% so hoping they do not increase as much. There was some talk by the other large State U of not increasing tuition but increasing fees. That would not be good for us as she has a full tuition scholarship. I would just like to know though.</p>

<p>Not 1 of the schools my D has been accepted to (8) will be releasing tuition information until AFTER May1, official SIR deadline. That doesn’t seem right. I understand the budget problems but families need to budget as well, D wants to go to public school OOS so we have little fine aide and a 7-10% increase in tuition plus increase in housing could add a lot.</p>

<p>any1can–can you get some feeling about the tuition raises from the local newspaper? Sometimes you can glean which way the wind is blowing and how hard.</p>

<p>DD’s private university is increasing tuition by 3%.</p>

<p>D’s private university is going up 3.9% in estimated COA.</p>

<p>DD’s private up 4.9%. Was hoping for less. Unfortunately scholarship does not increase with tuition increases so taking a bigger bite out of our budget each year. Room and board going up 4.5% but DD is off campus now and it is not going up that much.</p>

<p>ellemenope-I love the name, a few of the schools have given estimates now with the fine aid packages so I am just counting on 6-7% increases in tuition and housing. I just wish D’s OOS school would release the increases because that is really where my D want to go but they said it won’t come out until june or July…</p>