Tuition reciprocity changes approved

<p>It will cost more for Wisconsin residents to head to Minn universities. To be phased in with Fall 2012 class. I think more kids stay home now. Maybe Minn will offer off-setting scholarships or similar for best students.</p>

<p>On</a> Campus: Changes to tuition reciprocity program would be phased in</p>

<p>I doubt Minn is in any shape to offer more money than they already do to OOS students- they have plenty of good students and don’t need the Wisconsin ones to maintain high standards. There will be a shift in some Wis residents choosing UW instead Minn. This is a budget cut I can see and agree on. This may increase the difficulty of UW admissions as some choose UW over Minn for costs. At least they are not starting with this fall. Also requires input from Minn before final deal is done.</p>

<p>For good students, this makes no difference. My S got into both and chose UW over UM for academics anyway.</p>

<p>According to some top Wisconsin HS kids last year (large newspaper article in Madison papers) UMinn courted them with letters and scholarships so there is evidence they have targeted top state HS kids. Much cheaper to recruit them than other OOS kids. U Minn is on a mission to raise its ranking and national profile. That is also why they lowered OOS tuition dramatically a couple years ago. </p>

<p>"Joseph Loof, a 2009 All-State Scholar from Fort Atkinson, said he considered UW-Madison, “but the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities tried harder to make me want to go there.”</p>

<p>“They gave me a private tour and told me that, if I applied there, they would accept me into their honors program and give me plenty of scholarship money,” Loof said."</p>

<p>For Chem Eng UM may be better? For Bio sciences and chemistry, UW is better by a mile. Business, UW is also ahead, I think. It all depends on intended major of study.</p>

<p>That may be correct but the differences are pretty small and UMinn has done a good job of selling the urban location (more internships nearby, arts, entertainment more diverse, etc.) and has a more market driven approach to recruiting new students–something UW could learn from as they still generally suck at marketing themselves. Also UMinn has closed the ACT gap quite a bit over the last 10 years from a 2.4 point gap to just over 1 point. They have put a big target on UW and that drives them to do better every day.
I see MANY more OOS and international kids now considering UMinn and they are now a real competitor IMHO. I never would have said that 10 years ago.</p>

<p>I can confirm that Minnesota is great at selling their school. I ended up choosing UW after a lot of thought, but I was leaning toward Minnesota for a little while after my visit there. The recruiting efforts from what I can tell is pretty drastic, with Minn. trying way harder.</p>

<p>For sure. U Minn’s marketing effort is great.</p>