Tuition with 100 percent Bright Futures

<p>I have officially paid my tuition deposit for FSU and will be attending in '09. I'm just curious how much will tuition be per credit hour with 100 percent Bright Futures? I heard that universities are allowed to raise tuition and Bright Futures will not be covering the increase, so I'm just wondering.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>New students that did not buy the Florida Prepaid tuition prior to last year have to pay the tuition differential currently $6.96 per credit. </p>

<p>Everybody has to pay fees such as facilities use fee $20 per semester & $2 per credit, transportation $7.40 per credit and FSUcard fee $5 per semester which are not covered by Bright Futures or Florida Prepaid with the Local Fee plan.</p>

<p>Below is the current financial information:
[Student</a> Financial Services: Tuition Rates - Main Campus](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>FSU is allowed to gradually raise tuition up to 40% above what Bright Futures will cover.</p>