Tulane Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Maybe they are changing the portals

Iā€™m surprised this board is so dead with decisions coming out today.


Yess!! Idk, maybe itā€™s too early

Where is the withdraw button ?

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For me it used to be on the right side of my computer, a green button idk

Oh, maybe you canā€™t see it from a phone ?

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what does it mean if you still have the withdraw button?

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Oh yeah, itā€™s before the financial aid or what to know? It used to be there

Idk, theyā€™re probably just updating the portals

Do you still have the withdraw ?

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Did this mean anything for early decision ?

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I donā€™t know

Do you have it?

My kid and no she does not. She was deferred from EA. At another school if you could not access withdraw anymore it meant rejection, BUT that might mean nothing at Tulane. I donā€™t ever remember it there to be honest.


where would the withdraw button be

Also when are decisions supposed to be released

Today at 3 central

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Supposedly by financial aid but I donā€™t see that and donā€™t remember it there before.


Or the what to know more?