Tulane Honors or Boston College? Last Minute Decision!! Eeek!

<p>I committed to Tulane University this past week. I am in the honors program with 24k a year for all 4 years. I went down for honors weekend and loved loved loved loved the school! Aesthetically, the people, the life style, etc. The only reservations I have are concerning the academics. My passion is medicine (which Tulane is highly regarded for?) so I am looking for a school with the strongest reputation. It is my understanding that when it comes to getting into medical schools/oestheopathic school one needs a high gpa (grade inflation, manageable workload) and a strong science program. Nothing I have heard about Tulane has really convinced me of this. Any insight?</p>

<p>Anyway, here is my current situation. I was accepted to Boston College but never really considered it an option for financial reasons. In my mind, its on par with Tulane and at the time was 24k a year more expensive. BUT I just received word from Boston College that they are willing to MATCH TULANE'S SCHOLARSHIP OFFER if I would consider attending. I feel as if I have virtually no time to decide! I am going to try and go up to Boston this weekend. I cannot believe I am in this situation (as good as it may be.) Aside from the name, I do not know much about Boston College. I visited once and liked it, but I only really got a superficial feel. My parents are pushing for Boston College for two reasons: 1) NAME RECOGNITION (which is NOT a factor for me) and 2) Its closer to home (I live in New York. The idea of her baby living in New Orleans really irks my mother)</p>

<p>I really love Tulane, but I feel that I should give Boston College a shot now that finances are not an issue. I would always wonder what if, after all. As different as NOLA and Boston are, I truly love them both (but never as much as NYC of course :]) and I feel like I fit the mold of both social scenes. So I am trying to get a better feel for both academically. I would really appreciate any insight!!! Which has a stronger reputation for its science program? Harder workload? More research opportunities? More Premed orientated?</p>

<p>Between the two, med schools will not care. Both have excellent academics and research opportunities. Thus, it comes down to where you can maximize your gpa. For some that might mean closer to home. For others, it might mean living in a place that you “love, love, love…”</p>

<p>vitae - There is an interesting article by Barry Schwartz of Swarthmore about this kind of decision making:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bschwar1/Sci.Amer.pdf[/url]”>http://www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bschwar1/Sci.Amer.pdf&lt;/a&gt; (the first page is blank for some reason)
Bottom line is that you do yourself a disservice trying to overanalyze and make the illusory “perfect choice”. You have this pretty well reasoned out already, don’t obsess. Keep moving forward.</p>

<p>I see students worry all the time about these issues of gpa, grade inflation, etc. I assure you it is overhyped and generally not very real. All schools have easier profs and harder profs, especially schools in the tier level of Tulane and BC. If you love where you are going to school and stay disciplined and have the inherent talent (which you obviously do), then you will be fine.</p>

<p>You are right that BC and Tulane are similar academically, at least as far as your peer group. I posted somewhere else the comparative test scores and the like between the two. Tulane might have a slight edge, especially the way this year’s class is shaping up. I would also point out that Tulane is making some significant investments in what is already a great Honors program. Also, the freshman class at BC is about 50% larger than Tulane’s, and I have heard that a lot of their freshman and sophomore classes are pretty large. That will be even more of a contrast in your case since you will be in some Honors courses at Tulane, which are even smaller than the regular sections. They treat the Honor’s program students pretty special at Tulane.</p>

<p>Now don’t get me wrong, BC is a fine school, of course. And Boston is a great city, one of my favorites. I am only about one hour south of there. But I had four incredible years in New Orleans and at Tulane. Think of it this way. After you are done with everything, where are you more likely to settle, in a city like NYC or Boston, or in New Orleans? The former, of course. So this is a chance to really experience a wonderful city in which to attend school.</p>

<p>Finally, you ask “which has a better reputation for its science program”. I don’t mean this to sound harsh, but the question is irrelevant. You are not looking to get out and work an industrial lab, you are getting prepared for med school. Either school will give you a fine foundation in chemistry, biology, etc. At the undergrad level schools like this don’t vary much. I got my degree in chemistry from Tulane and it has served me very well. Also, the workloads will be similar. Cannot comment on BC for premed orientation, but I know Tulane has a lot of premeds and so I am sure the support is there. I suspect they are similar in this aspect also. But Tulane is a research univerity, with extensive opportunities at both its uptown (main) campus and at the med school downtown. In this regard I think Tulane clearly beats BC, and undergrads are highly involved in research. I was even in a lab my freshman year doing a lot more than washing dishes! If this is the direction you want to go, Tulane is the better choice.</p>

<p>Hope that helps a little, let us know what you decide. Good Luck!!!</p>

<p>Fallenchemist, I really like how you’re telling the kids how Tulane is a great place to go because they can visit New Orleans, but they’re more likely to settle someplace else.</p>

<p>This is so true. There are very limited job opportunities down here in New Orleans.</p>

<p>However, I discussed your views on Tulane with husband, who is a graduate, and he thinks that there is probably a very strong alumni connection in the Northeast that probably aids graduates in landing jobs.</p>

<p>It used to be down here, if you got a Tulane degree, you would more likely be the boss of an LSU grad. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. If you want to stay in the south, it is better to go to LSU because you will definitely make connections, even in such areas as engineering.</p>

<p>I work in the legal field, though, and quite a number of the very successful attorneys I work with came to Tulane Law School and stayed here. Of course, they live in the beautiful uptown area near Audubon Park, near campus, where most of us regular folks here will never be able to buy.</p>

<p>There is a great cultural shift going on down here right now, though, and it will be very interesting to see where the next mayor race takes us. I suspect that the “Tulane crowd” will be ruling this city in short order. They are certainly taking advantage of the cheap real estate here after Katrina.</p>

<p>Montegut - totally agree, and I should have added the comment about Tulane having a strong Northeast student group and alumni base. Thank you so much for catching that. In fact, Tulane even shares (along with a few other schools that have strong Northeast student base) membership in the Cornell Alumni Club in NYC.</p>



<p>I was lmao at that, as any Tulane grad would. I bet it is still more true than you might think. But as much as I hate to admit it, LSU has made some definite improvements. But catch up to Tulane? No way. In fact that gap has just gotten wider over the years.</p>

<p>Sad to say, that rivalry is no longer as big as it once was. Used to really enjoy the Tulane-LSU games. Very coveted tickets.</p>

<p>Now LSU’s rivals are more those in the SEC. BAMA is the rival du jour, thanks to Saban, but the SEC opponent of the week is more often the rival du jour.</p>

<p>I’m looking forward to seeing Tommy Manzella and Brian Bogasevic next week when Round Rock plays the Zephyrs.</p>

<p>There will be many Tulane fans in the stands, all singing that Hullabaloo song.</p>

<p>And you should see the new baseball stadium. Better than our Triple A stadium by far. Almost as good as Rice’s.</p>

<p>I have seen it, and I commented on it in another thread. It is awesome indeed.</p>

<p>And yeah, I wasn’t even referring to sports when talking about LSU. Except for baseball, we have no chance. I was referring strictly to academics. We beat LSU in football my freshman year, but those moments are few indeed.</p>

<p>Vitaebellaa - is BC guaranteeing you the same amount for all four years (i.e.; will they put it in writing like Tulane does?).</p>

<p>I understand your dilemma as my son ended up choosing Tulane over BC and several other highly ranked schools. The comment he made to me regarding BC and Tulane - which surprised me - was that no one was smiling at BC (on a cold but sunny day) and everyone was smiling and happy (on a warm and sunny day) at Tulane…I hadn’t noticed that myself because I was busy enjoying each campus - the buildings, facilities, etc. At one time BC had been his absolute favorite, but he changed his mind after visits… btw, we are also from NY and I used to live in Boston…loved it!!</p>

<p>Good luck with your choice…I think you should follow your heart.</p>

<p>I also got the 24k and honors. Ultimately I chose Gtown though.</p>

<p>Vitaebella - where did you decide to go?</p>

<p>Hey everyone, thanks for the support.</p>

<p>Boston College agreed to give me an extension in all fairness, given that I decide in the very very very near future. I really am not comfortable choosing BC if i don’t visit it one more time to get an actual feel. </p>

<p>My scholarship and fin aid. situation will “in all likelihood stay the same unless my family’s financial situation changes” Which is not very comforting IMO, so that is something I am weighing very heavily. I’d hate to go there, have my fin aid taken away my soph more year (for reasons other than my family striking it rich – thats not happening lol), and be forced to go back home. Its 60k a year, at least at Tulane there is some stability.</p>

<p>Unfortunately it will be tough to get a feel now, since they just started final exams today. I agree with you about the financial aid. Even trying to eliminate my bias towards Tulane, I would have to ask why are you waffling, since you loved Tulane and have the sure money? Honestly, outside of Boston (and maybe even inside since so many Boston area kids come to Tulane) the name recognition is as good or better for Tulane. Don’t let your parents pressure you, this is a decision about your life. Anyway, good luck. Hope you can work it out soon. LOL, I guess you have to. I guess I mean don’t obsess. It will be fine either way.</p>