Tulane University Early Decision / Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Accepted to EA!!! Didn’t think I’d get in
School didn’t calculate GPA
1520 SAT
ECs: mostly internships, community service during covid, and one startup
Decent essays


Accepted EA! Also received the Distinguished Scholars Award for 30K/year, and invite to Honors Scholars. I think someone asked if we could give our stats:
102.7 weighted GPA (out of 100, school doesn’t do 4.0 scale)
Ranked number 1 (not sure how much they care though)
35 ACT (also 1550 SAT, but I didn’t submit SAT)
1 AP + lots of dual enrollment courses w/ Syracuse University and my local CC
Honors: National Honor Society, Student of Distinction (specific to my school), Blue and White award (also specific to my school), HS orchestra soloist & concertmaster, and college board small town recognition award
ECs: varsity tennis (went to leagues), varsity alpine skiing (went to sectionals several years in a row), student body vice president, Tri-M music honor society vice president, extensive involvement in community arts program, HS musical pit orchestra, volunteer teaching assistant at my synagogue, Syracuse University summer college, National honor society secretary, paramedic assistant for my town’s volunteer ambulance corps
I also come from a very underserved area of NY, and I believe my essays were really good as well, especially my personal statement and Why Tulane essay.
Good luck everyone, and congrats! Roll wave!!!




I got 12k/year scholarship as well


Great surprise today! DD accepted EA. 3.8UW, OOS, TO, gritty job experiences, lots of demonstrated interest - visited twice and attended Pre-College Summer Program, met with Owen while there, met with local rep at high school. Wrote Why essay about Summer Program and the magic of NO. All about love for Tulane and NOLA!!


DD was deferred. 4.5 weighted GPA, 34 ACT, varsity lacrosse, SWENEXT, part time job, tutor, 11 APs, Columbia U summer program, biomedical engineer OOS. Tulane is known for yield protection though. It’s not her top school, so not interested in changing her application to ED2.


I feel the same way: Tulane is not my top school, especially considering the cost. I have not visited or done much extra to ramp up my “demonstrated interest” and I think this may have hurt my application, especially as an EA applicant. I will not be updating to ED2 and am considering withdrawing as it would most likely be too expensive even if I did get in RD and decide it was my top choice.


Thank you! We were not expecting it so it was really exciting!

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is the $15K for one year? that’s phenomenal. Congrats!

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So great! What was the Why essay focused on may I ask?


Congrats to all accepted ED/EA! Son was deferred along with 3 others at his school with similar stats. All were between 1480-1510 SAT and 4.2-4.3 weighted GPA. All excellent ECs, LORs. Strong candidates, however a number of kids from their school with lower stats were admitted EA and ED and less impressive ECs. I did notice similar post on other sites as well with some pointing to yield protection. Definitely in play and Tulane’s post and rebuttals denying this only further substantiate these claims. In all fairness, most of these deferred students, probably consideredTulane their safety… including my son. He will not switch his app to ED2 and he should withdraw his application. He has no chance of getting in RD.


Same situation and yes, mid year grades were requested and standard for students deferred from EA/ED. Son will also not switch to ED2, and RD pool will be extremely competitive. He would have happily attended Tulane if top 4 schools did not work out.


Thank you! My why essay focused on a bunch of things, but I mainly talked about my experience in NOLA and Tulane when I visited and toured.


this is exactly what is so frustrating about this. My daughter (deferred EA) definitely did not have Tulane as a top choice, but she did an official visit/tour and liked it enough that if her top choices, which are all reaches, don’t pan out, she would have happily attended Tulane. I feel like that was a very real possibility. Now in the RD round, she likely has a near zero chance of being accepted, with still a very good chance of getting denied from all of her top choices. Now instead of Tulane as a very solid and happy backup, she might end up at a safety she was less in love with.

her stats: 4.0 UW, 4.64 weighted GPA (at a highly ranked rigorous NJ public school)
1530 SAT (without superscoring)
soccer captain, class rep, some club leadership roles…


BelleSat- what was your ‘why essay’ focused on? -it’s great tu takes the time to get to know prospective students via their why essays.

Accepted, 25k per year and honors!!
34 ACT, 4.5 w GPA (top 10%)
Rigorous course load, 8 APS, all honors and DE classes
A few extracurriculars with leadership roles, community service, clubs
A few national awards
Strong essays
Why tulane: specific courses (TIDES)
Extra curricular: guitar playing
Minority explanation essay: women in STEM, first generation
Also applied for Paul Tulane award, showed a lot of interest (virtual calls, active on social media, emailed my counselor)

Best of luck to everyone in the RD round!!!


Naviance indicated similar pattern at our school. DD was considering applying RD but decided not to for this reason. Clearly there are plenty of high stats kids that got in on this thread though. They must have some sense of which schools actually wind up sending high stats kids.


And that’s just it. With a 10% acceptance rate, it is not a safety school anymore. Plenty of very high stats kids attend Tulane. They obviously want you to love it and not view it as a “backup.”


DD deferred.
4.0 UW/ 4.7 W
8 AP’s/ 4 DE
Top 10% of graduating class of 584 students
4 year Varsity Lacrosse/ 10 years travel team
15 + hrs/wk part time work 2 years
NHS (treasurer)
Multiple school leadership positions
Foreign Student Affairs mentor
LOTS of demonstrated interest (minus in person tour), Attended AO meeting at high school, every virtual meeting possible, social media, emailed counselor, and applied to Paul Tulane schoolarship.
Will not be doing ED2. Need to be considered for merit. Was a top 3 school for her.
Feel the TO had to be more of a decision factor because between this forum and several others I am on, more TO deferred then accepted